𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝕮𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

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["I'm just wondering who I will kill first

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["I'm just wondering who I will kill first. The monster..." Leanne gritted her teeth, holding back the urge to say something when Boholt looked at the witcher and then straight at her, "or the monster hunter." ]

Leanne stood up from where she was seated, Asger followed her mannerisms and the apprentices did too. Ewald and Lothar, it took a while for her to learn their names, probably twice as much as it'd take her to forget them.

They said their goodbyes to the last team around the campfire, Jaskier's team, as all of the others already had already gone to their respective tents.

There was barely anything that she dreaded more than that moment, the moment they had to walk by the Reavers to get to their tents.  She bit her tongue and looked straight forward, head held up high, not even daring to look at them, too scared of the words that could slip past her gritted teeth at any moment.
Especially, when she heard some of the men mumble when they walked by them, one of them letting out a whistle at which she rolled her eyes.


The sun had risen not too long before Leanne woke up and abruptly pushed her teammate's arm, making him fall into his back so he would wake up too.

"Morning to you too, Leanne." Asger's raspy voice boomed through the tent.

A sarcastic smile spread over the blonde's features, "We have to pack everything to leave."

"Then you'll have to wake them up." the man let out a yawn after he spoke.

"Why me?" Leanne brushed her hair out with her fingers, tying half of it in a ponytail and letting the rest lose, "Tired of being their babysitter already?

The dark-haired man grunted and rolled over, his back to her as she spoke while standing up, "Asger, don't fall asleep again."

Leanne made sure she had buttoned up at least most of her shirt before she got out of the tent, fixing her leather tunic, and bent over to pick up two small stones in her hand; as she got back up, she saw him. He was dressed only in the blue doublet she had seen under the red coat the day before, the red pants that matched the missing coat and some leather boots. His hair was slightly messy, she supposed from sleeping. And his blue eyes were fixed on her, his mouth slightly open as she watched her in awe.

"Ah! Bloody ballsacks!" Yarpen's exclamations were heard by both of them, their heads turning towards the sound.

She cleared her throat and turned around again to open the tent where her other teammates were sleeping and, with almost perfect aim, threw the little stones hitting them both on their foreheads.

"Wake up, get dressed, and pack everything up." she spoke in a stern tone, like a mother to her unruly children.

Leanne closed the tent and walked towards where Yarpen's voice had come from. There were already a few people there; some of Yarpen's teammates, the witcher and the bard, the two girls on their team (she had discovered their names the earlier day, Téa and Veá) and the black-haired girl that had sat with the nobleman the night before, Yennefer.

When she reached them, positioning herself on the bard's left side, she noticed how they were all looking down the slope they were on. So she also did. There she saw it, the royal, Sir Eyck, dead on the ground with his throat slit open, his pants down and Yarpen standing by his side. 

The bard made one of his usual remarks and Yennefer just cursed into the wind and left. Geralt walked away behind her and Leanne was the next one to flee the crime scene and head toward the tents.

Asger was already coming towards her, so she stopped walking, "Leanne! What happened?"

"Ah, so that's your name," she hadn't noticed the bard, Jaskier, a few steps behind her, also making his way back, "it suits you."

Leanne didn't turn around, with her back still to the bard she looked at Asger and nodded with her head towards the tents, a silent way to tell him that she would explain while they were packing everything. Jaskier's grin quickly disappeared into a frown as he saw her leaving, a frown she did not see.


Leanne observed the teams carefully, knowing she had to make a decision. The Reavers were upfront, apparently taking another route, and Yarpen's and Geralt's teams were going to stick together. She heard something about a shortcut from the latter but the first ones would be alone the rest of the way, making it easier for her team to accomplish their mission. The blonde woman grunted to herself and started following the white-haired man and his crew, losing sight of The Reavers.

"Where are you going?" Asger tilted his head as he asked the question, grabbing her arm to stop her from walking away.

"We are going with them." she released her arm forcefully from his grasp, "Have you already forgotten who's the leader in this mission?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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