Sleepover with Harry and Gemma

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A/N- This is a request from @1Darestilltheone !! I hope y'all enjoy :)

Age 3 

  You didn't see Harry and Gemma very often, as they were adults and living away from home and you were still only a toddler. Harry and Gemma had moved out and got a place together a few months earlier and you missed them so much. Your little mind didn't understand why they were suddenly gone, even if your mum had explained it to you so many times. "Honey, Harry and Gemma are coming to visit today!" Your mum exclaimed as she woke you up, knowing how much you missed them. Your bright eyes were shining with happiness and your pink dimpled cheeks broke out into a grin and you cheered, "Haz and Gem!" while giggling. Your mum chuckled and got you all dressed in a little pink sweater with a denim skirt and tiny boots. You loved wearing tiny boots so you could match with Harry. Your mum made you some eggs for breakfast and then you headed to the park to meet Gemma and Harry. The whole car ride there, you couldn't stop smiling and wiggling around with excitement. Once you had finally arrived, your mum unbuckled your car seat and you ran out of the car, looking around for your big brother and sister. "Hey lovely, over here!" Shouted a familiar, deep voice. You looked around for a moment before your eyes focused on Harry and Gemma, standing over by a tree. You ran over to them and jumped into Harry's arms, giving them both a big group hug. "I missed ya, sweetie!" said Gemma, ruffling your hair. "I missed you too, Gem!" You giggled. Your mum found the three of you all hugging and had to join in. "A family hug!" She cheered and you all laughed, happy to see each other. After you all finished hugging, you went to go play on the playground. Harry pushed you on the swings and you and Gemma went on the seesaw together. You all had fun for hours at the park. You loved playing with Harry and Gemma because they never acted "too cool" to have fun with their baby sister, even in public. The sun started to go down and your mum was getting tired, and it was time to go home. "Baby, say good bye to Haz and Gem. We've got to start heading home now" Your mum said sleepily. Your little eyes filled with tears and your lip began to tremble as you cried, "No... want to stay" as you hid your face in Gemma's leg. Your mum sighed and tried to convince you to let go and get in the car with her and you just continued to sob. Harry softly whispered to his mum "Hey, she's welcome to spend the night at our place. We've really missed her after all, it's no problem for us." Anne (your mum) thought about this for a moment before nodding. Harry smiled and bent down to you and said "Guess what sweetpea?" Your teary eyes looked up at him and you mumbled out a "What?" Harry chuckled and said "Mummy said you can spend the night with me and Gem at our house! How does that sound, love?" Your dimpled cheeks broke out into a grin and you nodded your head in response. Harry then scooped you up and carried you to the car, bringing you home with them. Once arriving at their house, Gemma and Harry gave you a bubble bath and changed you into one of Harry's shirts. It was so big it looked like a dress on you! All three of you then got all cuddled up on the couch. You snuggled between the two of them, allowing yourself to fall asleep between the two people you looked up to the most. 

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm still so ridiculously flattered that I keep getting requests! Feel free to DM me one or comment one :) Also, let me know how you'd enjoy a pregnancy series book or a relationship with Harry (or all of the 1d boys) book! I'd love any of your feedback. Love, S :) 

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