You run away from home

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well :) I'm leaving town again on Saturday so I'll be MIA for the next week. I've been trying to update as much as I can while I've been home, so I promise I'll update a ton as soon as I'm back! Also- school starts again for me this month (which I'm really scared for and absolutely dreading), so updates may be a little slower once school starts. But I'll still do my best to update at least once a week (and hopefully more)! Enjoy this part! :) 

Age: 16 

   "You're such an ungrateful brat!" Harry shouted, rubbing his temples exasperatedly. You and Harry had rarely fought since you had moved in with him, but neither of you were perfect and arguments were bound to happen. Harry had told you to put your phone away for bed and one snarky comment led to another and now you were both in a full-on screaming match. "Shut up, Harry! You treat me like a baby, I'm 16 fucking years old!" You screamed back. "You're certainly acting like a baby right now! Mum would be so disappointed if she saw you acting like such a rude bitch." He fumed. When those words left his lips, something inside you snapped. Your bottom lip quivered as the room fell silent. "Just take my phone. I'm going to bed." You said softly, handing him your phone. Tears threatened to spill as you quietly headed upstairs to your bedroom.

   After about 15 minutes, you heard Harry go to his room down the hall to go to sleep. He normally always tucked you in and said goodnight so it stung that he didn't. Your heart was still  aching about the comment he had made earlier. He knew that was a sensitive spot for you and he completely ripped your heart out and stomped on it. You decided quickly to pack a bag and leave. You weren't sure where you would go, but you needed to be away from Harry. 

  London was freezing cold. You packed a light bag and tugged on a warm hoodie and sweatpants and set out into the frigid city, without Harry noticing you. Your teeth were chattering and your lips were blue. You decided to head to the cemetery where your mum was buried and apologize to her. 

  "Mummy, I'm so sorry." You whispered, as freezing tears streamed down your flushed cheeks. The air was like a knife in your lungs, stabbing the soft tissue. "I'm so sorry I disappointed you, please forgive me." You sobbed, pulling your knees to your chest. "I knew you'd be here." A voice broke the thick, cold air. You turned around to see Harry crouching beside you. "Let's get you home." He whispered, scooping up your bag and guiding you to his car.

  "Y/N, I was worried sick!" Harry said once you were both sat inside the car. "I'm sorry." You whispered. He stayed quiet for a moment. "I'm so sorry I said what I said. I lost my temper and I said things that weren't true. Mummy loves you and would be so proud of you. And you're plenty grateful, Lovie. Not a brat, not one bit." He soothed, stroking your hair. "T-thanks, Harry. I love you." You whispered shakily. "I love you too." He whispered, kissing your forehead.

  Once you got home, you took a hot shower and got ready to go to bed. "Good night, Sweetie. Promise not to run off while I'm about to fall asleep again?" He joked. "No, I'm here to stay. But wait, how did you know I had left?" You asked. "Brothers always know. It's my maternal intuition." He chuckled and kissed your head. "I love you, Bub." You whispered, laying back against your pillow. "I love you too, Honey. You can have your phone back in the morning." He said as he left the room. Even if he lost his temper sometimes, he was always going to be your big brother. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Love you <3 thanks for reading!

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