Field Trip

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"Okay everyone, we have arrived! Please stick together with your teachers and classmates and do not touch anything unless you have been given permission to" said A.C, the one in charge of field trips, he added, "And now, I will be going over the basic rules you need to follow" I looked around, hoping to find someone I could talk to who wasn't paying attention to the boring speech. As I suspected, nobody was paying attention, execpt for Raylie, the new kid to school. The teacher said he had come from a far away country to here with his sister because their mom had gotten a job here at our school. I wondered if they had seen any humans on the way, tho this was a fat chance, so I decided not to ask. Unlike him, his sister, Taylie was a lot like me, unfocused, talkative, and she had already made quite a lot of friends during the rootride. I glanced over at her direction, she looked like she was about to fall asleep. I was about to go talk to her when I heard a gruntinting noise, "ahem ahem. Miss?", A.C look over at my direction, "would you like to remind us what the 8th rule was?" I glanced at him with cold, shocked eyes. I was trembling as I felt a soft tap on my back, a gentle voice whispered, "The 8th rule is to pack everything you brought at the back of the rootbus when the trip is over" I tried to look back to see who had whispered to me, but when A.C gave me yet another weird look, I just repeated what the whispering voice had said, word by word. A.C looked annoyed but then he gave a flash smile and thanked for the response. "Yes, now everyone, one by one, grab your bags from the back of the rootbus and stand next to your teacher."

This was my chance to go talk to Taylie, but as I walked toward her, another student tugged at her and with a suprised look, she thanked the student and quickly ran over to get her bag. I sighed. I guess this wasn't the time for us to meet just yet. As I continued walking toward the rootbus to get my bag, a hand held me back. It was A.C, I had to look up to be able to see him, he seemed much bigger up close! He was looking down with cold and serious eyes. I started trembling, did he know I wasn't paying attention..?" Well. Since you got the 8th rule right, do you mind to tell me the remaining rules?" he smirked. I gulped. "Well?" he asked. My trembling got twice the much. "Well.. Uhh..hmmh" I mumbled, trying to pass the time untill someone called me over and I could just escape. Everyone seemed to be minding their own business tho - just like they were supposed to - But I could tell, that most the kids had noticed this but just decided not to have a bad relationship with the creepiest person in the whole Landmoss village. "Mhm." he responded. He was about to call over my teacher here to tell my bad manners but right at that time - thankfully - a voice called out my name, "Hey! Hey Magee!" it was Taylie, "Can you hear me?"She raised her voice a little more, "Come over here, the teacher said to stick with at least 2 of your friends, remember?" her brother (Raylie), was standing next to her, his nose in his book. I took this as an adventage, "Welp! Sorry about that A.C, But I guess I have to go!" I said, smirking, as I ran toward my new friends.

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