Chapter 10

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Fun fact: My waifu in HunterxHunter is Pakunoda and my husbando is Kurapika. In other words I am in endless pain when thinking about the two 😃. Not much else to say today so let's get on with the story!


~(Y/n)'s PV.~

     Leorio ran up to me and Zepile and started to yell at me confused. "How come you didn't tell me you knew each other too!" Zepile was still processing what Leorio had just blasted to us. "I thought you would at least tell me you knew each other!"

     I roll my eyes at his overdramatic behavior. "Yep, Zepile is actually my secret lover who I haven't told you about," I said casually.

     They both look at me dismayed. "HUH?!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"


     After clearing up the confusion we went back to work. We decided to talk in a more private space so we went back to our hotel room. We arrived back and I went to go set my little souvenirs next to my suitcase while Zepile and Leorio were settling down on the couch. I joined them on the couch and began to listen to Zepile as he was telling us the status of the goods in the auction. It seems that Gon and Killua's goods had been barely accepted thanks to the smooth-talking of Zepile. They would soon receive the money when all of their items had been bid on and won. Relieved to find out that something was finally going good for Leorio and the boy's plan they began to celebrate. Zepile and Leorio's idea of celebrating was more like smoking, drinking, and eating chips to their accomplishment.

     "Come on (Y/n), loosen up! Everything's going well right now! Here have a cig," Zepile offered, clearly tipsy.

     I try to politely decline his offer by pushing the box of cigarettes away from me. "No thanks. I don't really like smoking or people who smoke around me." The smell of the disgusting smoke was getting strong and I had to open the windows. Hopefully, it gets rid of most of the smell before the boys get back.

     Then Leorio raised his beer to me. "At least have some beer then! We got plenty of booze to go round!"

Once again I declined his offer. "No, I can't."

I hear Zepile start to giggle at me. "Is it because you're a lightweight? Don't worry we won't make fun of you too bad, (Y/n)!" "Yeah (Y/n)! It doesn't matter that you're a lightweight! Just come celebrate with us!" Leorio egged on.

Tired of hearing them babble on with their intoxicated words I hit them both on the head. "For your information, I can handle my liquor very well. Secondly, there needs to be at least one SOBER adult when the kids get back. Plus I know I'll probably have to take care of you imbeciles when you get hungover."

Time passes by and its dark outside now. Leorio and Zepile were still drinking and talking about things, now they seemed kinda drunk. There was at least 6 cans of finished beers on the floor where they were sitting and 2 open bags of chips next to them. I was beginning to worry about Gon and Killua.

'What if they're hurt! Or kidnapped by someone! No wait they're strong kids, they can handle themselves. They are literally Hunters. Still what if they get caught by someone strong! I did hear on the news not too long ago that some truope was attacking the auction. Even so I would never been able to protect them! I only know self-defense to a certain degree. If anything they would have to protect me. God I hope they come back soon.'

Not even 5 minutes later, the door opens to reveal Gon and Killua walking in. Leorio and Zepile didn't even notice them. "Yeah I'm getting into this!" Leorio laughed. "How about another," Zepile said. I sighed at the men's behavior and held the bridge of my nose to stop my headache from these two. The boys looked at Zepile and Leorio with blank faces.

"Seriously," Killua said annoyed, "They were drinking while we were captured." Leorio had finally taken notice of them and asked if they wanted to drink some beer with him.

I hit him on the arm hard. "Leorio will you stop that! They are underage!" I walk around the drunk men and check up on the boys. "I'm so glad you're both back." I gave them a quick hug and pulled back to check if they were injured. "Are you guys alright! You said you were captured by someone! What happened!?"

"No need to worry old lady, we'll tell you everything," Killua said sassily.

"Ok then no need to get too sassy. I was just worried because I cared about you guys," I said calming myself down.

Killua gave a small tch and looked away in embarrassment. Then Gon and Killua sat us down and began telling us how they were captured by the Phantom Troupe. From their story I learned that the Phantom Troupe was a dangerous group, the boys could barely compete with them. It was very lucky of them to get out there alive.

"Back there, one of the tricks that Zepile taught us came in handy," Gon said. "If the exit is blocked then create your own."

Zepile blew out a string of smoke. "Experience can sometimes blind you. A con artist's knowledge might come in handy against the Troupe."

Leorio nodded in agreement. "Exactly! There's more than being a con artist! I haven't been drinking myself senseless here. (Y/n) and I have learned a lot from Zepile. Tomarrow morning we'll be hitting the auction. You guys are coming right?"

Gon and Killua look at each other for a moment. "I'd like to, but I have to find Kurapika and learn about Nen from him."

"Kurapika?" Leorio questioned. "You got through to him?"

Gon nodded. "Yep, but we were waiting for him to call us back."

Leorio looked at him confused. "Wait, learn Nen from him? Didn't he learn Nen not too long ago too? Why would you want to learn from him?"

"Because Kurapika managed to defeat a member of the Phantom Troupe." Killua added off of Gon. "He must know some secret about Nen. Some kind of strength that doesn't require experience or power."

Gon's phone begins to ring. "Hello? Kurapika?" Gon asked worriedly. "Huh? What do you mean? Kurapika!?" The phone then hung up. "What did he say" Killua asked. "The Troupe is dead..." Killua and Leorio yelled in disbelief and I just sat there dumbfounded. "He hung up. I have no way to find out any more." Gon then looked down disappointed.


kurapika😳is🤸‍♀️now✨🌊drowning🌊✨in😁an🐸indescribable💋emptiness❤ *HAPPY GUITAR SOLO*

Lol that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day and WEIRDO OUT!

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