Chapter 1

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Okay so this is my first book and the chapters are short but I hope you guys will like it.



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Elonique's POV

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Elonique's POV

I woke up to the sun rays beaming on me, I quickly turned my alarm off and slid out of bed. I stretched my arms out as I yawned.

I made a bee line to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, then I went to take a shower.

I took around 20 minutes as I came out the shower I wrapped a towel around me tightly.

I went to the mirror to look at my mess of a hair and then I went for my comb and started to comb out my thick hair, it took awhile but I managed to get it in one with the help of my brush and my hair gel extra hold of course.

Feeling satisfied, I went to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day which was a red hoodie paired with black skinny jeans and my black converse. Something comfortable I didn't want my stretch marks on my side showing if I weared a crop top I don't like them.

I hate how my thighs have that slight jiggle when I wiggle them and my tummy its not big but not flat either.

The clothes I wear will definitely hide these insecurities , perfect.

I put on my essentials and made my way to the door.

I went to the kitchen where I saw my mom preparing breakfast it consisted of bacon and sausages.

The aroma met my nose an amazing smell. My mom was facing the stove, so I went up behind her and kissed her on the cheek.

" Hey mom good morning", I said.

"Hey baby good morning to you too, did you sleep well" she replied.

" Yes" I replied which she said good to know.

I took a seat at the table waiting for the breakfast to be fully ready.

After quite a belly full I got up and discarded my plate in the sink, then I washed it.

I thanked my mom for breakfast then I told her bye, as I heard tyres screeching to a stop signaling me that my best friend Diana had arrived.

She greeted my mom then we left.


So Diana started " another day in in a prison" she said.

" Aw Diana it's not that bad," I said.

" Omg!, are you telling me you like this place called school , breathing the same air with other people, one day  when I do a prison break your gonna tag along because I'm not leaving you to go mad in that place and also take you to a psychiatrist because I don't think any sane person is happy to go or be at a place called school with people, people Elonique that means interaction". She said as she continued her rant about how much we suffer daily in this prison as she looked over at me.

" Diana I think your crazy your just exaggerating , I think your the one who needs  psychiatric evaluation ,you definitely need  to see one stat" I laughed slightly shaking my head at her manner.

" You love me thou as craziest can be, can't deny that" She said smiling.

" Not at all" I  said as I chuckled.

I reached out to turn on the radio and I heard my favourite song blasting through the speakers which was of course heartbreak anniversary by GIVEON.

I sang along all the way to school.


When we reached Diana parked her car swiftly after she let me out to go do so.

She got out of the car and came to where I was so we could both walk in at the same time. My walk was cut short when I felt my body collide with that of something hard or more specifically someone, I looked up to see Damien Scott, 6'2 standing ,the school's notorious so called "bad boy"  , mischief screamed all over him at that mere sight of looking into his eyes.

I didn't realise I was staring into his cold blue green eyes.

Until I heard his deep voice saying " watch where your going, idiot".

"Hey I'm not an idiot " I replied, to which he shrugged me off and walked away.

Jerk I muttered under my breath, to which my best friend whispered in my ear and said a hot one too, grinning.

I looked at her as if I'm saying seriously, which she replied by saying what.

" You have to admit he's gorgeous" Diana said.

I just shook my head as we went to our lockers and took our books for our first class.

We told each other bye as we departed to head to our first class.

My first class was English while Diana had maths so I walked swiftly to reach early while Diana sang and danced all the way to hers.

Typical Diana I said as I looked at her laughing my form hunching over before turning back around.

So I made my way to class did I say briskly yeah quite briskly might I add.

My first time writing comment and vote and tell me what you think!!!!!!!



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