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The next morning Heaven was still asleep. She ended up rolling on her side facing towards Oscar again. Her hand reaches out hoping to find his warm body but she was only met with a cold dented spot. Heaven flutters her eyes open, she noticed he wasn't there. She lets out a yawn as she began to rub her eyes, she sits up in the bed but he wasn't in the room. She had figured he was making breakfast. She pulls back the blanket, then gets up putting on her slippers. She trudges her way towards the door still somewhat sleepy. When she walks out the room, there was nothing. That's when she spotted Cesar, he was getting ready to leave but she stopped him. "Where's Oscar?" she asked.

Cesar stopped then looked over at her. He didn't know where his brother was, he does recall hearing people talk this morning but he was too tired. "I don't know" he replied. "Probably with the gang" Cesar added. He decided to pull out his phone calling Oscar. But that didn't work because he didn't pick up. He frowns because it was unusual for Oscar not to pick up. "He's not answering" he looked at Heaven. "Try calling him" Cesar said.

She nods her head, she walked into the room getting her phone. As she was walking out she started to call Oscar. There was no answer, she looks at Cesar worried. "That's not like him" she replied. Her mind started to wonder, thinking where he would be that's when something clicked. She looked at Cesar, her eyes were slightly wide. "He said something few days ago but I thought he wasn't serious" she said.

A confused look feel upon Cesar's face. "What do you mean?" he asked. "With Oscar it's always serious, what did he say?" Cesar added.

"I think he's planning on killing Cuchillos" she replies. "Oh god" she mutters thinking the absolute worse. What if she killed him? She though to herself. She suddenly feels sick, she runs past Cesar and into the bathroom.

Cesar tried not to panic, he pulled up Jamal and Rudy's numbers. He sent them both a text message telling them to come over. He hears the door opening from behind him, it was Heaven. She was a complete wreck, he walks over to her. "You need to lie down" he said. "It's too much stress on you" Cesar added.

"I can't, what if he's hurt? Or dead?" she replied. Cesar was going to say something else but she stopped him. "I'm pregnant Cesar" she adds. It was such a huge relief for her, she was only a few weeks. She found out a couple days ago, she had planned on telling Oscar last night but other things happened.

Cesar lets out a long sigh, he ran his hand over his short black hair. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I have an ultrasound to prove it" she replied. She sniffles a little bit, ready to cry. "What if we can't find him?" she asks.

"We will" Cesar hears the door. "Jamal, Ruby and I will go look for him" he said. He walks over opening up the door. "Come in" he said back away.

Jamal and Ruby made their way inside. Jamal looked over at Cesar confused. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Oscar isn't answering his phone" Cesar said. "He usually picks up or shoot a text. This isn't like him, we need to go look for him" he adds.

Jamal and Ruby nod their heads as they looked at each other. They were scared as hell but Cesar needed them right now.

"I'm coming with you guys" she speaks up. "We split up in teams" she added.

Cesar shakes his head no, there was no way he was going to let his brother's pregnant girlfriends go out there looking. "No, just stay here because he might come back" he said.

She shakes her head not wanting to stay here doing nothing. She needed to go find Oscar. "Absolutely not" she replied. "I'm going" she adds.

"You're not, I'm sorry" Cesar said. He hears the door again, he walked over opening it up. It was Jasmine. He had told her to come over so she could keep eyes on Heaven. "Thanks for coming" he said.

"Hey girl" Jasmine smiled. She walked over to Heaven. "Don't you worry girl, we're going to find your man" she said.

Heaven just looked at Jasmine for a few moments. "Whatever" she said before walking away. She went to their room, slamming the door. She takes a seat on their bed, she began to cry while holding her stomach. All she wanted was Oscar to be alive.

Poison|Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz Where stories live. Discover now