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After Oscar dropped Heaven off at school, he went to go find Cesar. He finally found Cesar next to a shrine of Monse, he parked the car then got out. He made his way towards his brother, he didn't say a word. He just sat down wrapping his arm around him, he let him cry on his shoulder. Soon Cesar spoke up. "I should have protected her" he said.

"No, I should have" Oscar said. "This is our hood, I was suppose to be the one doing the protecting" he added. Oscar rarely cried, it was an emotion that he didn't show because being in a gang that would be considered weak. He couldn't help but let a tear drop, he knew Monse for a long time and now that she was gone, it hit hard.

"Do you think she's alone? Do you think she's in heaven? Or an maybe she's an angel" Cesar said. He couldn't help but glance up at the sky, hoping Monse was up there. Tears threatened his eyes again, he couldn't help it. He loved her more than himself, now she was gone for good.

"I believe she is mono, she's looking after you" Oscar said. He looked over at his brother then up at the sky, a sigh escaped his lips.

Soon they heard shots off in the distance, people were getting brave even in the daylight. "I think it's time to go" he stood up.

Cesar nodded his head, he got up and busted himself off. He made his way towards the car, he couldn't help but think about Monse. He got inside the car and looked out the window the entire ride, he didn't say anything. He thought about Ruby and Jamal, how they must be feeling right now. Once he arrived at their house they were sitting outside, must've been waiting for him.

Cesar exited the car once it had stop, he made his way over towards his friends. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"We came to check on you" Ruby said. His eyes were swollen and red from crying, he looked like he hadn't got much sleep due to what happened to Monse.

"I'm fine, you guys should get home" Cesar said. He started to walk off but Jamal had said something that made his stop in his tracks, it caused chills to come down his spine.

"They're having a service for her tomorrow" Jamal said. "I went by her dad's house, he was pretty beaten up by the fact he lost Monse. He said they didn't find her body, apparently the prophet$ took her somewhere but no one is talking" he added.

"I won't be attending, I'm sure her father wouldn't want me there after I was the one to cause this mess" Cesar said. His back was turned away from his friends. "Just leave, I'm no good for anyone" he walked away and into the house.

Jamal and Ruby looked at each other, they soon walked away going back towards their home. Ruby's mother had told him he needed to be in before night fell and it was already going on five. Jamal's parents were the same way, the didn't blame Cesar like Ruby's mother did because he was just a kid being dragging into some gang rivalry.

Oscar watched as Cesar friends walked away, he looked over at his brother who didn't say a word. He just walked into his room, closing the door. Oscar knew it was best to give him the space he needed. He glanced at the time, it was time to go pick Heaven up. He grabbed his keys, then headed out the door. He went to his car, started it up and backed out the driveway.

Before he picked Heaven up, he went and got them some burgers. Of course her's had extra pickles on it. He pulled up in front of the school, Oscar looked over to see her coming out the door. A smile came upon his face, he was happy to see her knowing she was safe. Once she got inside the car he leaned over giving her a kiss. "How was your day?" he asked.

"Not good, I couldn't help but think about Monse" she muttered. "That should have been me, instead of her" she said.

"It shouldn't have been anyone" Oscar said. He started up the car and began to drive home, he looked at the road. "Let's not think about it right now" he didn't want to hear it because everytime he did, he'd blame himself for not protecting the hood.

She nodded her head, she reached down picking up the bag of food. She pulled his burger out then handed it to him, she then pulled her's out and started eating. She tried her best not to think about Monse right now. She honestly needed this food, she barley ate anything after the events.

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