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For the last couple of day Oscar has been keeping all eyes on Heaven, he wouldn't even let her out of his sight. After what happened to Mario, everyone was on edge. He had gotten beat to near death by a couple of Prophet$. He was still in the hospital, they didn't know if he was going to make it.

"Cielo!" Oscar called out for the millionth time, she had told him that she was going to sit out front for a while. I mean since she couldn't go anywhere else, since there was a target on her head.

She sighed then got up off the chair, she made her way inside the house. She spotted Oscar making some lunch, she walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him, she then rested her head on his back. "I'm safe, no need to call my name every minute" she said. 

Oscar felt her arms around his stomach, a smile came to his face. "I know but just wanted to make sure" he said. He turned around to face her, he looked down in those brown eyes he loved so much. "Foods almost done" he said.

"Mm, I can't wait to eat" she replied giving him a smile.

The door soon came open, it was Cesar. He looked at the two, his fists were clenched together. Tears began to fall from his eyes, Oscar pulled away from Heaven. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Mario" Cesar said. "He fell into a coma" he added looking up at Oscar through red eyes.

Heaven's mouth fell open, she couldn't believe that. She had just seen him, he seemed to be doing good. The girl had to sit down because it felt like she was going to faint, she couldn't imagine the pain Mario's family was feeling. Mostly Ruby, her heart literally broke.

"This ends tonight" Oscar said through gritted teeth. He pulled out his phone texting the boys, he knew it would be a war but he didn't care. They hurt someone on his side of the tracks, he didn't take too kindly to that.

Heaven looked up when he said that. "What do you mean?" she asked. She knew the answer but wanted him to say it.

Oscar didn't bother answering her question, he walked over to her. "Imma need you to stay locked in here" he said. He seen the panic in her eyes, which caused him to touch her face softly. "I have a gun in the room, if anyone you don't know tries to come. Shoot them, I know you don't want to but it's either them or you" he said.

She was terrified but knew it had to be done, it was them or her. She looked up at Oscar then nodded her head. "I know how to use a gun" she said. It caused Cesar and Oscar to look at her weird. "Don't give me that look, I'm from the country so it was kinda necessity to learn how to shoot" she shrugged.

Oscar chuckled he went and took the tacos off, he placed them to the side. He soon heard his phone go off, he pulled it out. He looked over at Cesar and nodded. He then walked over to Heaven, he kissed her softly. "I want you to know, I love you" he said. This was his first time officially saying those three words to her.

She kissed him back then rested her forehead against his. "I love you too" she breathed out. When he pulled away, she frowned slightly. She didn't know if he was coming back or not, this was stressing her out. She prayed to God that they would be safe, she wouldn't know what to do if something happened to Oscar or the others.

She sat there as they walked out the house, she got up and walked to the door. She watched them get inside the car, Oscar started it up then pulled out the driveway. Once the red chevy impala was gone, she closed the door and locked it. She heart was beating rapidly, she thought it was going to come out her chest. She made her way towards the bedroom, opened the night stand. There sat a black hand gun, it was a smith & wesson. She reached inside pulling it out, the only reason she knew how to use it because her father took her to the shooting range.

She pulled the clip out, making sure the bullets were in there. They were; she put the clip back inside, then cocked it back. She turned around pointing making sure she still knew how to use it, which she did. She let out a sigh then headed towards the kitchen, she looked down at the tacos Oscar had made. She felt sick to her stomach, she immediately started thinking about the worse. She decided to get a shot of liquor, she wasn't a drinker but the girl needed it right now.

Poison|Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz Where stories live. Discover now