In the End

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Alice was still staring at the blade in shock, “I don’t…I don’t really understand….”

                “You’ve got yourself a powerful weapon,” Styx seemed reluctant to get near the blade, dragging Athena backwards. Athena herself didn’t seem to be able to move at all now. She hung limp in Styx’s arms, her eyes flickering back and forth, wide and terrified, “it’s obviously been enchanted by a coven. Of course, you won’t be able to kill a god, but that will paralyze one of us for a few days.” She looked down at the goddess in her arms, a wicked smile suddenly curling her blood-red lips, “and now you’ve delivered me another one to play with.” She glanced back up and gave Alice a wink, “I’ll be seeing you again, sorceress.”

                This time there was no fading away, no rush of mist, only a whip-crack noise that made Alice jump, and Styx was suddenly gone, and Athena with her. Alice stayed where she was, sitting on the sidewalk, the cold, damp snow leaching into her legs and backside, clutching the blade so tightly her fingers hurt. She didn’t seem to be able to let go. The night sky was doing funny things, swinging slowly around and round when it shouldn’t be moving at all. There were voices above her, someone saying her name over and over in a deep voice, murmured voices, whispering and a pressure on her shoulder. Then darkness hit her square in the face like a sucker punch, and Alice slumped sideways, the clatter of the enchanted blade on the sidewalk was the last thing she heard for a very long time.

                The smell of strong, british tea pulled her from the darkness. When she finally came to, emerging from a dream involving screaming goddesses and poisoned blades that melted in her hand upon contact with said goddess’, it was to see five pale faces staring anxiously down at her.

                She cleared her throat, “Um, hi.”

                Altair let out a great gust of a sigh and tightened his grip on her hand, “thank god, you’re awake. You had us worried there for awhile.”

                “I told you she’d be fine,” Shakra rocked back on her heels, crossing her arms over her chest, “she was just drained from touching the network.”

                “Sure, but you didn’t sound absolutely confident when you said it,” Gabriel looked relieved, “but now that Alice is obviously okay…” he leaned forward anxiously, “you’re okay right?”

                Maya reached out to brush Alice’s hair back, smiling down at her, “you did so great!”

                Alice relaxed into the mattress, allowing herself to truly relax for the first time in weeks, “I’m okay, everyone. Thanks.”

                “We made you tea,” Azura picked up the tray from the side table, “and sandwiches, in case you’re hungry. Magic can be draining in large amounts.”

                Alice sat up, propping herself against the headboard, “I just realized I’m starving, thanks.” She took the tray from Azura, balancing it on her knees, “that network thing…it…it took a lot out of me.”

                Shakra and Azura exchanged a look, and then Shakra said, “you did very very well, Alice.”

                She stared at the both of them, “you didn’t think I’d be able to do it, did you? What did you think would happen?”

                Shakra shrugged, “I don’t think any of us knew what would happen. Alice, seeing the network, never mind touching it, is one of those rare, unheard of things in the magic community, elevated almost to the status of myth.”

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