Chapter 7~ Not Good Enough

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Kaede's POV
Rantaro. That was all I could think about that night. He had said that he had homework to catch up on that afternoon, but I couldn't help but feel like something fishy was going on. Even so, I don't think that's the full reason why I've been thinking about him all night. I decided to talk to Shuichi about it tomorrow morning.

After a restless night, I woke up and got ready for school. Rantaro wasn't here yet, so I figured this would be the perfect time to talk to him about this. As soon as I approached the school, I was greeted by Shuichi. "Good morning, Kaede!" "Morning, Shuichi! I actually have to talk to you about something if you don't mind." "Of course." I lead us to somewhere private so Rantaro couldn't see us when he arrived.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked in curiosity. "Well...for a while....I've been have these strange feelings around a certain person named Rantaro." I explained. "What kind of feelings?" "Well, feelings as you can't stop thinking about them and have dreams about them." Shuichi looked off to the sky for a moment, before looking me in the eyes. "I think you might have feelings for Rantaro." He finally stated.

I blushed from the shock. "Feelings? You mean...a crush?!" I gasped. "Yes." Of course it was a crush, it should have been obvious. I guess I'm just not experienced when it comes to love. "I guess you're right. But what should I do? I don't even know if he likes me back." "I think that is where you should start. Find out what he feels and confess your feelings to him. That way, you'll know whether you'll be accepted or rejected." He answered. "Yeah. That's a good idea. Thanks, Shuichi!"

Rantaro's POV
When I arrived at school that day, I was surprised to see that Kaede wasn't waiting for me like usual. It didn't really hit me until I saw the reason why. Kaede and Shuichi were chatting in a private corner. I could clearly see Kaede blushing in Shuichi's direction. I was right after all. She likes Shuichi. Not me. I'm nothing more than a friend to her. The ache in my heart ached like never before and I felt tears falling from eyes. I quickly ran away before they noticed me.

I couldn't dare to face Kaede and Shuichi for the whole rest of the day. Every time I looked at them, the ache in my heart hurt more and more. As much as I felt happy for them, I couldn't help but feel sad. I didn't join them for lunch and ate somewhere else to avoid Kokichi. I really didn't want to face anyone at that moment. I just wanted to be alone. Once school ended, I ran home without stopping to catch my breath. I burst into my house and into my room.

I collapsed on my bed and began to cry. What it wrong with me? I'm supposed to be happy for Kaede, so why am I crying? It's because I love Kaede, more than anything else. But she doesn't love me, she loves Shuichi and now it feels like I'm completely falling apart. I'm so pathetic. No wonder she doesn't like me. I'm not good enough for her.

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