Chapter 6

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Yedam and Keita prepared and practiced so hard for the said competition, and was able to build a good brother/classmate relationship along the way. 

Both are pretty confident that they'll do well after showcasing each other's capability during their practices. 

"Yah! Yedam-ah let's take a quick selfie first before the show starts" 

"Oh yeah can we?" 

"Of course, come here! hold it" 

"O-Okay 1...2...3.." *click* 

"Oh wow this is cute" Yedam said happily 

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"Oh wow this is cute" Yedam said happily 

"Yeah I thought so too, I'll post this later on Instagram" Keita said smiling widely.. 

Both are partaking in taking selfies together, while Haruto from far off took a few glance to them, discontent with what he's seeing. 

"Yah Rutoyah, are you ready?" Jeongwoo without noticed came in.. Haruto then swift his attention to his partner 

"Of course" Ruto just said, but Jeongwoo quickly noticed his hands trembling.. 

'Yeah he's nervous and so do i' Jeongwoo thought.

"Rutoyah let's do well okay?" Jeongwoo said while grinning generally to the latter, Haruto felt the comfort just by seeing Jeongwoo smiling widely like that. 

the only thing that he is very thankful about is.. he's not going to compete against Yedam. 

Not that because he knew how good yedam is, rather he kind of need to try not to have convoluted emotions towards the new student.


The contestants gathered up to their respective seats, when everything was settled, 'til the chairs and tables the staff prepared for the audience and contestants are fully occupied, the host took it as a cue for the show to start

Yedam and Keita is up against Doyoung and Dohwan 

Kim doyoung and Dohwan announced to perform first Before Yedam and Keita 

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Kim doyoung and Dohwan announced to perform first Before Yedam and Keita 

Yedam can't help expressing how nervous he is after knowing Doyoung is determined to beat them, they somehow found out how good the other team is. 

As by what did not escape in Haruto's eyes too. 

Haruto took a deep sigh before grabbing a water bottle on his side, and walked straightly towards Yedam's corner 

He handed the water bottle to Yedam, which the shorter find it questionable

'wae?' Yedam thought, no words escape from his mouth he just basically stare Haruto with a big question mark appearing in his eyes. 

"Tss. you're shaking to death, drink calm your nerves" then he left after yedam accepted it. without waiting any minute yedam drink the Water the taller student gave. 

Gradually trying to calm his self. 

After Doyoung and his partner done performing the staff signaled Keita and Yedam to prepare since they'll be the next one to perform. 

Yedam is extremely shaking, his knees are about to breakdown 

good thing Keita quickly grab his shoulder so he can stand up straight. he turn yedam to face him... then hugged him tightly 

Yedam didn't mind because his thoughts were completely consumed by what if's 

But for Haruto... He really hasn't worked it out yet. 'this is so annoying' he thought. 

"Hey are you okay?" Jeongwoo undoubtedly asked the guy seated beside him after noticing how the water bottle was hardly gripped 

Ruto then notice his sudden feeling, "Yeah" he said then gave Jeongwoo a reasurring smile 

"BANG YEDAM AND KEITA!!" right after the announcer called their names, both make their ways up to the stage.. Keita walk few meters before Yedam, he halted then gave his partner a quick hug "You'll be fine I'm here" One last time, before going to the other side of the stage, he took the chance to console Yedam. Yedam is smiling broadly at what Keita did.

several people is whispering because of the new kid they just saw up in front. 

"Who is he?" 

"This is the first time I saw him" 

"Yeah me too, I don't know something is off with him" 

"Yeah same feeling, Keita so poor. he might not win this time" 

"Yah! we should not judge him first" 

Haruto could clearly hear what the guests and students are saying against the shorter guy, he want to defend yedam but thinking of their current state it should be best to just stay quiet 

'yedam can prove to them all how precious his voice is' Ruto thought. 

The music starts....'Here you go Bang yedam show them what you got'

After the performance, no one dare to say a word

Everyone in the hall quite surprised by Yedam and Keita's performance. even Haruto couldn't expect Yedam could pull off the song like that. 'I mean yeah I heard him sing but this time it's remarkable he is remarkable' he said inside his thought. 

"Wow" the only thing Jeongwoo could utter. 

On the other hand, Yedam and keita felt very anxious and puzzled by the silence they got. 

"Did we do well?" Yedam said almost a whisper but good enough for Keita to hear 

"I just know we did" Keita said.. A few more seconds. There was applause all over the venue. And the judges were standing up. 

That's the moment when both knew they did well. And then they happily embrace each other.

Upon yedam taking his steps down the stage he took a quick glance of Haruto unexpectedly the other is also looking at him.. never left his sight to Yedam in fact. 

Yedam smile widely at him 'Let's have a snack later' Yedam moved his mouth to express these words, hoping that Haruto would receive the message he wanted to convey.

--end chapter-- 

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