chapter 4

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"Yah haruto any words?" haruto appear to be solidified in his place after witnessing yedam's voice 

 "w..well that.. wasn't bad" the only words haruto could utter. 

"Yeah? do you think it's good enough for me to survive the upcoming competition? or I should--" yedam couldn't finish his concern when haruto abruptly cut him off 

"I should go sorry uhm.. you did.. great" and just like that haruto vanished from yedam's sight 

"What's up with him? is my voice that terrible?" Yedam whisper to himself. 


"Dude I'm telling you his voice is amazing like it's... it's so good and pleasing for real you know what i'm sayin'?" Haruto couldn't hide his excitement to his friend Jihoon, it suffocates him if he won't have the option to express it to at least one person 

"Yes! Yes! I get it alright? like you've been telling me that for good 15 minutes". Jihoon then again is in profound concern of what precisely befell his friend. he simply hop up before him with a wide smile all over and a ruddy face like any moment he'll detonate on the off chance that he won't have the option to let everything out of what's inside him. 

"Yes but bruh never in my entire years i've witness such beautiful voice as his". A genuine smile manifesting in haruto's face scare the hell out of Jihoon. 

"Good that you are all here now" A sudden approach of their teacher cleanse Jihoon thoughts.

the day has finally come that they will be able to know who they are going to pair up with for the competition. 

haruto couldn't help not to glance at yedam who is currently shaking to death. 

"Yah yedam-ah, relax! I'm sure  you'll be fine to whoever you're going to pair up with" doyoung hold yedam's hand in a way of helping his body to relax 

haruto couldn't believe how greatly timid yedam is, 'I mean if I have that kind of voice? I would completely brag about it every seconds of the day' haruto thought. 

"Bang Yedam". once the teacher called yedam's name it was only until then haruto turned his gaze away from yedam, but not with Jihoon who felt a little strange to his friend sudden changes of action. 

"And Keita, both of you will be partners for the upcoming competition" Keita grin widely at him as though he stresses nothing, and that made yedam considerably more on edge, taking a gander at keita being so confident made yedam want to dig a hole and bury himself to it. 

Everyone has their partners already 

1. Doyoung and Dohwan

2.  Haruto and Jeongwoo

3. Jihoon and hyun Jao 

and none of them is nervous about the upcoming event 

'they must have been used to it' yedam thought to himself. 

"Hey are you okay?" the sudden approach of the guy beside him startle him to such extent, he is not so ready for this, for a conversation I mean to say. 

"y..yeah" yedam smile lightly to him as to assure him that he's okay 


"I'm Keita by the way" Keita offer his hand for a handshake which yedam quickly acknowledged. 

"I'm Bang yedam" 


"Wow you like this song too?" 

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