Chapter 7

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If you're wondering if Yedam gets to rest after his performance with Keita, the answer is no. since students are swarming around him right now. This is all new to him, he couldn't even act straight. The taller knew this thing would happen the moment Yedam decided to embrace his talent he knew it'd go big and as much as Haruto wanted to help him he couldn't since he'll be the one to perform next with Jeongwoo. 

It's still good that Doyoung is there to stop students from outside the campus harassing Yedam and Keita by trying to get their personal information. 

"I'm sorry" Yedam repetitively uttered because he couldn't give the thing they all wanted to have. 

"This is usual Yedamie, the next day they won't bother you because they can't set their foot here any sooner, but still be cautious when going outside." Keita's concern for yedam is clear from his tone. Yedam simply nodded and believed what keita told him.

Yedam and Keita are still able to take their seats, guards assisted them in moving through, while some are still vying for Yedam's attention.

"Haruto Watanabe and Park Jeongwoo," upon hearing Ruto's name from the emcee, Yedam suddenly shifts his gaze to Haruto Watanabe, who commands attention from the crowd.  

"That white suit is just so perfect to him," he said mindlessly, with Keita by his side, who simply nodded in agreement with Yedam's opinion. 

Haruto seemed anxious, which shook yedam to some extent. 'I mean, he's always been calm, so what makes him nervous today?' Yedam wondered in his thoughts. 

"Haruto don't be nervous we can do this" Jeongwoo has a soft spot for Haruto, after spending quite some time with him, he already know side parts of him that not everyone is certain of. 

Haruto responded with a nod and took a quick glance to the right side of the stage, where Yedam and half of the contestants are seated. 'Damn I should not have looked,' he thought as he saw Yedam staring at him attentively, his entire attention focused solely on him.

Haruto was anxious because he knew the shorter was watching him, and the fact that this would be the first time Yedam could see him rap just wrecked all of his body parts. There are no words to justify why, but he truly wants to impress the latter. Thinking he has been and always be a strong rapper, which would be a great match for Yedam's incredible vocals. 

He stood up and straightened his back, waiting for the music to begin.

'let's do it!' 

Yedam didn't say a word and didn't make any extra moves, even his movements were indistinguishable. If you look at him, it appears that he is not impressed or moved by Haruto and Jeongwoo's performance, while the rest of the contestants are vibing with the music. 

But, Yedam? He's been looking at Haruto for so long that he lost count since when. 

After performing, both Jeongwoo and Haruto exchange grins, and applauses reverberate in the room. Not to mention that Haruto's fans have been yelling his name since the show began Particularly when Haruto's eyes do their job winking along with smirking over the crowd, attempting to hypnotize their minds by claiming his right to have everyone's focus solely on him.

They both bowed their heads and took their way out of the stage.


"Yah! this is your first time treating me and you'll only give me a sandwich?" Haruto's complaint towards yedam, who is eating ice cream next to him concentrating over who knows something. 

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