𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬

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I heard many things from this place.....This is the place where they kept horrible things. Things that would make you have nightmares. The sky was dusty dark, while rain slid down the window of my home. Rufus Shinra had asked me to go to The Shinra mansion, that had been abandoned for many years. My mind has always wondered what was in that mansion....
What secrets where in meant to be discovered. This place was just as mysterious as the bottom of the ocean.

But not all secrets are meant to be discovered. I didn't exactly know why he asked me to go there. So he told me to keep brief contact with him if I find anything. I was concerned why I had to go alone. I wasn't aloud to take Cloud withe me nor Reno.

Reno would of been my second choice to bring along. He made the times that seemed dangerous a joke, he brightened the mood. When ever I would go on missions with Cloud, he made me feel safe. He was like a big brother to me.

I was afraid of going here and never returning. People said that this place was haunted or had a curse. Story's were rumoured all over Midgar, that a man once lived there but never again showed his face to the public.

No doubt I was afraid of what I was going to find. I walked up the few steps of the Shinra mansion. The wind howled like a pack of Shadow Creepers.

I flinched when lightning crashed, making me yell.

I fiddled with the key that Shinra gave me earlier, to unlock the door as fast as I could.

Successfully unlocking the door, I slammed it shut after when I was inside.

I sighed feeling a bit of relief, I wished I had someone around right about now. The Shinra mansion was huge, a huge white stair case was in the middle of the room, beautiful marble floors currently waxed and clean was strange. On my right hand side was a living room. Victorian furniture complimented the room with a stone fireplace that was...lit?

So there really was someone here...Or maybe a ghost. The story's that the Midgardians were probably bullshit! There are fireplaces that turn on automatically, relax Breanne, that is probably the reason for the fireplace that is lit currently. But it seriously doesn't explain how it's so clean. This place has been abandoned for a really long time. I huffed and turned on my flash light. The flashlight illuminated my way. I exited the living room and went straight, past the front door.

I noticed a feather that was on the floor. A perfect half black, half white feather. It sat there perfectly in the middle of the floor. I picked it up and put it in my bag.

But then as I was going to stand up, I noticed a painting.
It was a painting of Shinra, Genesis, Angeal, and some other man. But that other man's face was gone. Torn out of the painting. Almost like if you took a knife and carved at a certain spot for hours.

The hairs at the back of my neck raised, as a shiver climbed it's way down my spine. My eyes slowly went to a door that was open slightly. The smallest of breeze came from that door that was at the end of the hall.

My curiosity started to get the good of me. I walked over to the door as the breeze became stronger.

I pushed the door, seeing a endless stair case down into the darkness of hell as it seemed.

The breeze was cold, I was almost glad I brought the coat Shinra gave me when I went here. I would have to return his coat when I go back home.

But I enjoyed work more then going home. There was nothing there for me in Midgar.

I held my flashlight with an iron grip and made my way down the stairs.

I walked down the creaky stairs, leading further down into probably the basement or cellar. I walked down the stairs further seeing a small light. CRACK!

I felt myself fall through the stairs, my back went through two floors of some sort. I felt a pain in my arm when feeling the floor again. I suddenly heard a growl of some sort. My heart started to race, while I started to shake.

What was that?!!! I turned my head seeing fiery red eyes. I knew exactly what this monster was. But it was the smallest version of the monster's adult size. It was a Behemoth! I started to back up slowly every time it got closer. It had that killing look in it's eyes.

It leaned down, I knew what it was ready to do. Like any monster or animal, they all lunge at it's prey. I took the chance to jump up and-

I screamed when it was too late. I shut my eyes and embraced myself for fate....

There was sounds of chains, whimpers, growls,and then silence.

Then the sound of combat boots made it's way towards me. I opened my eyes seeing a man that was handsome. He had white angelic hair. His face looked like it was sculpted by someone. A perfect image of a man. Not to mention he was tall, and muscular.

Blood dripped from the chains on the man's wrists. The man's eyes glowed a beautiful bright ocean coloured Teal, it reminded me of mako. He came closer but then ended up stopping because of the chain that was connected to his wrists were attached to the wall. He struggled to get closer than gave up, falling to his knees. I slowly stood up in amazement, my legs shook in fear as the monster layed there dead.

My hands shook as the man's head hung low, almost in shame. Why would he be chained up in the basement of Shinra's mansion like some kind of animal?

"How did you end up here?" I questioned quietly, he didn't answer. I walked past him seeing my flash light. I picked up my flashlight that was cracked slightly. I shined it to the back wall seeing the chain.

The cuffs and the chain rounded in a loop that was connected to the wall, then the ceiling.

I was unsure how I was supposed to break him out of this.

"Leave this place." I heard a smooth voice say, it was quite.

"I refuse, I am breaking you out of here. No man should be caged like a damn animal." I answered and shined my flash light onto him. I gasped when I saw scars on his pale back, some that were bleeding, and the a bone that was snapped. It was sticking out of his skin, it was connected to his shoulder blade.

My arm still ached, I cringed at the furious fire that burned as it felt that way.

I saw a pair of vault cutters in the corner. I jogged over to the corner and grabbed them. They were in fairly good shape. I walked over to the man and asked. "Hold out your wrists." he looked back as the chains held his arms backwards. Oops, never knew his arms were behind him.

I couldn't help but to admire his muscles for a second. I placed the chains between the cutters teeth and put pressure onto the chain. I bit my lip from the pain in my left arm. The chain snapped perfectly as I wanted it to. I dropped the cutters and walked over to the man, holding my arm slightly.

Here is my first chapter to Beauty and the Angel. I hope you have enjoyed my first chapter so far. Do comment, vote, or just say a simple hello to me:)

𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 |𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡|Where stories live. Discover now