Party Time pt2!!!

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Lyric's Pov

After Rin and I changed into some jeans and a plain tee shirt. Rin has been silent the whole time, Kinda worried about her more then I was before.

We arrived at dormitory 7. I looked over at Rin and stared at her weirdly.

"Why in the he** are you wearing bunny ears?"I asked my face could not look any weirder.

"It's a thing my dad and I do. Watch."She said checking the door if it was unlocked which it was.

She cracked it open before kicking it fully.

"Kakashi!!"She yelled with fake anger.

A mob of silver hair poked up from the couch.

"Rinny!"He yelled his only visible eye widening.

Rin ran and flopped on the couch making Kakashi-sensei fall off.

"What's the matter?"He asked inspecting Rin's slouched figure.

"Everything."Rin said rubbing her head as Kakashi fired Questions left and right.

"Did you sleep with someone at the party. Am I gonna be a grandpa. Did you fight someone. Did someone fight you. Did someone in your dorm make you mad. Do you wanna move back in with your Papa!"He stopped to breath.

"No.No.Yes.Yes.No.And Defiantly not."Rin nodded at her answers.

"Okay what happened?"Kakashi asked sitting down fully on the floor.

"Okay so I woke up to Lyric asking me a question then when I turned over Sasuke was sleeping on my bed. So I took Lyric ran downstairs and I told her the story of how Sasuke and I started. I ended up crying."Rin said it all in one breathe.

"Don't mind me I'm going to raid your fridge."I said walking away awkwardly.

"Bye Bye!"Rin said waving.

3rd Person's Pov

"I thought I made my point clear that he must stay the he** away from you!"Kakashi growled.

Before Rin could reply the front door opened and Rin fell off the couch,laying flat on the floor.

"Kakashi-sensei. We're back."said an irritated female.

"Hello Sakura."Kakashi said not bothering to look up from his hiding daughter.

"What'cha looking at Kakashi-sensei."Said a slightly high pitched voice yet not feminine.

Lyric's head popped out from the kitchen.

"BUBBY!"She yelled running and pouncing on someone.

"Oh hi Lyric."He said.

"Oh hi that's all I get! I watched mom give birth to you!"She yelled angrily,getting up and walking to the couch.

"Wait I thought you two were the same age?"Kakashi asked glancing back at them.

"We are but I was the first to open my eyes cause when he was born he was loud as he**"Lyric joked tripping over Rin making Rin yelp.

"Kakashi who else is over there?"Sakura asked.

Rin's bunny ears popped up before her eyes did.

"Do not ask why I am laying on the floor."Rin said crawling to the kitchen.

"I did not plan to."Sakura glared.

After about five minutes of silence Rin came back in the room screaming

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