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"Bye dumb bitch" he said  and dropped me by the door and kicked me and I screamed . he grabbed me by my  collar and dragged me up near his face and looked in my eyes and said "if she ask you what happen say when you were walking here you triped"he said threw gritted teeth and I stayed quite and he shook me and said" got it!" and then I said  "yes"below a whisper and he dropped me with a thud and patted my head and smirked and said "good girl" and walked away. After that I got up and used the wall to support me up and walked into the nurse and sat down . the nurse looked at me." dear Lord what happened to you?" she said in a shocked tone. "What do you mean " I asked confused then she bent down and opened a drawer and fished out a round object and put it towards my face and said "have a look for your self " she  muttered and walked away to her computer so I took the chance to look at myself threw the mirrors and gasped .there were bruises on my cheek they were a dark purple kind of color."so you gonna tell me what happened" the nurse spoke softly waiting for my answer."well I tripped"I spoke very softly"ok...when your ready to tell me the truth,I'll be over here  filling out your paper work to go home" she said geting up to get your file. " why do you need to fill out my paper work?" I spoke up. hunny your beat up you need to go home" she spoke sternly. "Yes ma'am," I spoke. "No problem" she said with a smile. " um,can I please have wrap for my foot?" I spoke nervously "sure" she toss me one.

" oh honey your mom's here" she gave me a smile "thank you" I spoke giving her a small smile and limped to my mother's car

"Hey mom" I say hoping into the car. "Hey honey I have something to tell you......"


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