why me

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"And why is that Mr.Bieber?" she said in a sassy tone. "Well we will know Kenisha is very clumsy" he's said chuckling with the whole class."anyways, Kenisha fliped her own chair bending down to tie her shoes." he said looking down at me smirking . i looked away from his stupid  smirk. "Kenisha you need to be more careful" mrs.wenzel said with a hint of annoyance.  " yes ma'ma" i said looking down at my swollen ankle "kenisha go to the nurse ur ankle does not look good" she said studying my ankle "yes mrs.wenzel" i spoke a little below a whisper and tried to get up. "OW OW OWW!" I said in agony and sat back down. " mrs.wenzel i cant it hurts to much " i said to her "Mr.Bieber can you take kenisha to the nurse please?" she said to justin . "yes mrs.Wenzel, i would love to."he said giving me a smirk. Ughhh i know something bad is gonna happen i thought as he picked me up bridal style and left the classroom to take me to the nurse. Halfway down the hall way justin says : "why the hell am i still carrying you , you ugly piece of trash?" and drops me on the hard concrete  floor of the school. " owwwwww" i said crying from the pain. "Shit theres a teacher coming"

He said in a whisper and picks me up again and starts to walk to the nurses office again when mr.Beals stoped him and said "boy what are you doing and why is she crying?" then justin had to lie for the second time  today: " well today she fell in class so i have to carry her to the nurse because she cant walk on her own" he says in a fake sympathetic tone. "Oh im sorry ma'am and continue on my boy". mr.Beals said and then justin walked me to the nurse when we got there justin said .....


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Today ima update like crazy

Kik. Kenisha_bubbles

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