I'm sorry but no

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"What do you mean" I say wipeing my tears and moving closer . "never mind" he says walking upstairs. I turned around and thought about the next thing I was gonna say. "Justin why do you bully me ?" justin stiffens on the stairs and balls up his fists "i don't wanna talk about it" he says . " but I need to know"  I look him in his direction " you really wanna know?" he said violently walking down the stairs and walked to me pressing my body to the wall again and closing the very little space between us . " ye- yes" I say trying to breath right this is the first time Justin has ever been so close to my face plus he has no shirt on." because I like you..." he says putting his forehead on mine" I was so confused ." then why do you hurt me if you like me.when you like some one your not supposed to hurt them" I say as a tear goes down my face." I don't know it all started when you went out with Derick, me and him were friends and he know I liked you and he went out with you anyways and it hurt me so much that should of been me holding your hand and telling you I love you not him." he says looking me in my eyes
"But me and him are over, why do you still do this to me." I say looking away from him till he tilted my face up to his "listen I'm sorry, I guess I just take my anger out on you and I'm starting to regret it, can we just forget about it and just be friends or something" he says scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry but no, saying sorry is not gonna change the scars that I will have forever justin" I say and he giving me a confused look and I scoffed and shook my head and pushed him and  ran up the stairs to my room and covering my face with my pillow and sighed deeply 

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My bully Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now