episode:3 a Arch of Light

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"Ms.Sara Fetch, where on Earth did you get that thing!?" Said Father Brooke expecting an immediate answer as though he was chastising a child. Abe:☞ "Now why would you want to go and make a mess of things like that?" Sunny being held behind Abe can see him slowly reaching for his gun on his side, but out of fear of guns his body has gone stiff and his voice has gone mute. Abe all at once spins around to a kneeling position simultaneously knocking her Barrel to point in a different direction and fires off three shots into her stomach.

Sarah now in a small but deadly barrage of bullets fires off her weapon as well not fully realizing it's no longer pointing at him. Sarah stumbles a few steps back holding her stomach in pain attempts to take one last glance at Sunny to apologize, but something else catches her eye. The bullet she fired off went into the neck of one of the larger men but he stood silent and there was no blood. Instead sand begin to pour from The Bullet Hole and the top of the man's head begin to sink in as though he was deflating.

The large man then collapses to the floor like a lifeless doll releasing Sunny in the process. Unfortunately the head lady was not the same, blood began to pour from her abdomen down her legs pulling in the hardwood floor below. Sunny and Father Brooke now in shock of how things have escalated, watch as Sarah collapses onto the floor in pain. Sunny and Sarah's eyes meet and they stare into each other's Souls as she slips into her final slumber.

As Sunny watches the life leave her eyes he feels something strange beginning to manifest in his chest, to his and everyone else's surprised he begins to Glow with a powerful and burning energy. The green and floral wallpaper closest to him starts to bubble and darken as the last man holding on to Sunny began to sear and smoke. A single tear slowly slides down his cheek and evaporates before reaching his chin.

Sunny lets out a blood curdling scream releasing a brilliant wave of energy resembling a beautiful ribbon made of pure light gracefully tears through the large man holding him as well as the large man on the floor leaving nothing but Ash. Father Brooke and Abe immediately begins to run for their lives as the ribbons of purest light begin to rip through the house behind them. Merciless and uncontrollable Father Brooke and Abe now outside watch in horror as the waves of energy grow larger and larger turning everything they touch to Ash and Rubble.

Now being forced to listen to the traumatizing screams of all of the children burning alive, Abe drops his briefcase to the ground and begins to go through it aggressively and in a hurry. Father Brooke Whispers to himself "What are you... what have we done?" Abe pulls out a syringe and in one smooth motion he slides across the white gravel and stabs it into the leg of Father Brook emptying it's clear liquid into him.

Now that the house has been completely erased, the screams have grown silent and the sky has been blackened by the ash. All That Remains is a glowing silhouette of the young boy in the center of the devastation. Abe:☞ "Time for a little nap" Father Brooke then collapses to the ground drifting in and out of consciousness he watches as Abe walks toward Sunny's flickering and quickly fading light, he begins to reach out just as everything turns to black.

Sunny wakes up in the backseat of a strange car he doesn't recognize and a sound of a voice. "Yes sir, I apprehended the boy and I'm on my way. It should only take a couple days and he will be all yours." Sunny tries to reach for the door handle without being seen but he can't, as he tries to move every muscle and bone in his body starts to ache like he was just wrung-out out like a sponge. He whimpers a little in pain alerting the man. "I'm going to have to call you back, he's starting to wake up."

Sunny strains himself as far as he possibly can just to setup in the black leather seats. :Sunny☞ "Where am I and who are you?" "You can call me Abe little man, I'm a friend of your Dad's. I came to bring you home" He said with a grin as though he hadn't just killed somebody in front of him and kidnapped him what felt like just seconds ago. "He is very excited to see you." Abe added.

:Sunny☞ "Then why didn't he come and get me instead of sending his Hitman to kill everyone I love?!" He yelled fighting back his tears. :Abe☞ "I shot that lady Sarah out of self-defense, you're the little badass that killed all your friends after crying about their safety so much." He Chuckles.

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