Chapter 25

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"Hey Aiden," I say as I spot my older brother sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen with a box of lucky charms.

"Hey," He says not even looking up from his phone to make eye contact with me.

I roll my eyes in response. Ugh what a screenager. 

"Do you know when I am going to head back to school? I mean I've been training for a couple weeks now and dad said I could go back soon," I ask as I grab my own bowl from the cupboard and grab the box next to him.

"That would be a question for Lorenzo, or dad,"

I make note of that and plan to head to Dad's office after I finish my breakfast.

As I start munching into my delicious magical charms I find my mind wandering back to Rhys. Which brings me back to the fact that I lied about my age. I mean to be fair it was only by a year! I am turning 16 in two weeks, and he's what 18, and also really really hot.

Wow, that man is so fine. Anyways, the whole white lie might be a problem.

I snap out of my daydreaming at the sudden movement of Aiden putting his bowl in the sink. "Bro where do you disappear to, you've literally been staring at the same spot for 5 minutes," He says as he walks back to stand next to me.

"Oh you know, just trying to figure out if you got dressed in the dark this morning," I say shoving his shoulder. 

"Oh hahaha," He says mockingly throwing his head back before giving me a small shove.

I roll my eyes as a small smile slips on my lips before I shove in another bite of cereal.

"So what are our plans for today Cara?" He asks ruffling my hair making me swat my hand at him.

"Well my plans are to go speak to dad but after that, I don't know. Why did you have anything in mind?" I ask, looking for some way to entertain myself for the rest of the day, assuming that I am on house arrest.

"Well, I wanted to give you a tour of the building if you want,"

I perk up at the idea, "Oh my god, yes that would be great. I still haven't been able to find my way back to the library since I first found it, so a tour would honestly be so helpful," I say as I get up from my chair and put my bowl away. 

There are probably so many cool rooms in this building that I have yet to see and now I am finally getting a tour! It's about time.

 I follow Aiden out of the kitchen and into the elevator as we begin our descent down to Dad's office. Its so nice how he wanted to make sure I knew where I was going, God knows It would have taken me a good half hour on my own. 

"It's the door right there just in case you don't remember, and you can just knock."

I give him my thanks before stepping out of the elevator.

I do just as he said and knock twice, for extra measure, before walking in. 

"Cara! Lovely to see you, how have you been?" My dad says moving around from where he was sitting at his desk to welcome me into a big hug. 

"I've been good Papa, just... adjusting," I say avoiding the whole fiasco last night. If he hasn't brought it up yet, I take it as a sign that he doesn't know. 

Once we finish our small talk I launch into my questions about school. He suggested that he could place me in a school with some of the other students in the Mafia, which is located just down the block from where we are.  Of course not without the protection of having my brothers attending.

"But if you want you can also go back to your other school," My dad suggested.

"Can I have until Monday to think on it?" I asked. I mean 2 schools in one month, is a little much.

"Of course Cara Mia,"

"Thank you Papa," I give him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before standing up to leave. 

"Also remember, family dinner tonight is at 7," he said before I gave him a nod and left the room. 

Yikes, maybe that's when my brothers are going to mention everything to dad. 

I hear my phone chime from my pocket and unlock it thinking it might Aiden, but instead, it's from an unknown number. 

Weird, but also not the strangest thing to happen to me in the last 24 hours. 

'Hey Cara, it's Rhys. I hope this is not super weird but I got your phone number from your phone the other night.'

'Haha all good, though I do have some questions abt that. But what's up?'

I watch as the typing bubbles appear, only to stop, sending my mind into a frenzy about what he could be typing next.

'I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out to dinner with me on Tuesday?'

OH MY GOD. DID I JUST GET ASKED OUT? Or maybe this is just as a friend's thing.

'Are you asking me out?'

I know, I know, cringe. But I need clarification before I start overthinking this entire thing.

'That depends on whether it's a yes or a no'

'it's a yes'

'Great, I can send you the details about time and place'


I feel excitement tingles rush through my body and strike my heart as I let this whole situation set in. I just got asked out, by probably the hottest guy I know. I can't believe he likes me back.

I turn off my phone and place it in my back pocket.

Which makes me realize that I have been standing in the middle of the hallway for the last 5 minutes. But honestly, I don't care, because I am just riding this high.

With a new pep in my step, I skip back to my room so I can get ready for the day. 

It only takes me 10 minutes to be fully dressed, in a pair of dark blue leggings and a black cropped shirt if you were wondering, and sitting down in the living room waiting for Aiden. 

It takes him 5 more minutes until he graces me with his presence. I now understand why everybody gets annoyed when I take so long to get ready, I mean waiting is just so not it.

"I'm ready for my grand official tour," I say jumping off the couch and greeting Aiden at the door. 

"Well, then let's begin, what level do you want to start on?"

"The lobby?" I suggest as we make our way into the elevator. 

We descend into the Lobby and as excited as I am about this tour, I can't seem to get one person off my mind. 

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