Chapter 18

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I practically fling myself out of the car and land on the pavement with a soft thud. Or wait, a hard thud. But that wasn't me. I peer over my shoulder and spot a young looking boy laying on the ground right next to the car door.

"Hey, why are you laying on the ground? You know you're not going to get a tan right? It's 8 pm," I say to him, taking a few steps closer, "It's really dirty you know, I saw a rat yesterday right where your laying," I say informing him of my discovery. He quickly hops up and brushes off his pants.

"Oh uhh thanks, I'm Luk-" the slam of a door quickly cuts him off before he can finish. We both turn our heads, only to see Aiden. Luke, however, doesn't get the same excitement as I do and instead lowers his eyes. 

Ohhhh, this must be the whole Mafia thing.


Aiden swiftly walks over to me and guides me inside. "Hey, why can't I do that?" I say feeling a bit of jealousy course through my veins that nobody is scared of me. I want to be important too. Soon, is all he says before we step into the elevator.

I make my way to the kitchen as soon as I hear the ding of the bell, and not a minute later my head is in the fridge. "Wow, we really have no food" I mutter taking out a half-eaten Cannoli. Huh, ironic. 

Because I'm Italian...


I turn around mid-bite of what's left of the Cannoli only to see five eyes on me, "uhf hi" I say with a mouth full of food. 

"So what did he say?" Lorenzo asked I swallow the rest of the cannoli before I clear my throat. 

"I'M GOING TO SPY SCHOOL" I scream excited to tell everybody. Lorenzo only lifts his eyebrows up in confusion, or concern, I can't really tell because those faces kind of look the exact same. "Aiden what is she talking about?" he asks turning to my other brother. 

"Well, dad decided that it would be best to enroll her in training school," Aiden says gritting his teeth. They all have their own reactions to the great news but I can't say that any of them are happy.

"Aren't you guys excited?" I say, a tad bit of disappointment leaking out of my voice due to the lack of a reaction. "Yes thrilled" Xavier mutters before walking off. I look up at everybody else and see them all giving each other a look. I guess I just don't understand.

I take the rest of my cannoli with me as I walk out of the kitchen doors, "I  should probably go.... yeah," I say gesturing towards where Xavier walked off. 

I hear echoing footsteps coming from the staircase and follow the sound. Hopefully its Xavier.

 It wasn't long before I was at the top. Panting I might add. Stairs are not my friend and I don't think they ever will be. Taking my best guess I go to Xavier's room.

"Xavier?" I ask the wooden door in front of me as I knock. Not hearing any response I slightly crack the door open. Peeking around I don't spot Xavier. I step into his room when someone grabs me from behind and throws me on the bed. Terrified I shriek until I see a familiar face laughing. I can't help but join in and soon I and Xavier are dying of laughter. It soon dies down though, as he becomes soberer. 

"So, I see you're not excited about me going to spy school," I say fiddling with my fingers. Xavier lets out a deep sigh before he chooses his next words carefully, "No, No I'm not. And not because I don't want to be happy for you, but just because that means that you're going to officially be involved in this world. Which was something that I never wanted." He says seriously.

"I know all you guys want is to shield me from this life, but its life. And you're not going to be able to do it forever. I would rather go into it with knowledge of what I'm doing and of what's happening around me than be clueless and unprepared," I say honestly. "Its been something that's been weighing me down for a while, and as long as somebody truly heard what I had to say, I think I'll be okay," I say now looking at him. He gets up to give me a hug and all of my anxiousness from today seems to wash away. Wow, I'm such a poet, Shakespeare is quaking.

"Anyways, do you know what time it is?" I ask not remembering exactly where I last placed my phone. 

"Uhh yeah, it's 9:30." He says glancing at his watch. "Oh, and you might want to start getting ready for bed because you have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow." He says giving me a little smirk.

 I grab the nearest pillow and throw it at his face. "Sorry I thought I saw something," I say before hopping off his bed and making my way to the door.

Xavier snorts before jokingly shoving me out. Well, that went well. Better than what I expected. Well, I actually don't really know what I was expecting because I kinda do things without really thinking. Anyways just personal problems.

I make my way back down to the kitchen just to let everybody know I'm about to go to bed. But if I just out went and told them that wouldn't be any fun would it?

I somberly walk into the kitchen an idea already blossoming in my head. "Family meeting," I say looking downcast.

I take a seat and wait for them to all sit around me before clearing my throat. "I've been wanting to tell you guys this for a while," I say sighing at the end. I dramatically look away as I wait for the tension to rise

"I know some of you won't agree with the decisions I've made, or am about to make," I pause making sure everybody's buying it, "But it's my life." I can see all of they're curious and somber looks, and I can't help but be proud of my acting skills.

"But I'm going to bed," I say standing up, "And no one's going to stop me," I say still with a straight face, I walk to the entrance before I turn around with a grin ear to ear. "Family meeting adjourned you bunch of bricks," 

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