Pietro Maximoff~ Fly

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"You're too slow." Pietro stopped running and turned around.

"Not all of us have super speed you know." I said huffing and puffing between breaths.

"Not all of us can freeze things either."

"Freeze. Burn. Grow. Fly. There's four elements."

"Stop bragging."

"I'm bragging? Says the one who ran all the way around the Avengers compound not once but five times. Five times." I say to get my point across. "And every time you passed me you said 'keep up slow poke'."

"I don't get it you can make things fly but not yourself."

"The wind is an element. It speaks to me. Little by little it lets me harness her power to make objects and beings fly. She hasn't given me the privilege yet though to let me fly."

"Yes so you told me. I'm guessing she hasn't gotten used to how annoying you are yet."

"Annoying? I know you aren't talking Maximoff." We both laughed. We've been friends ever since he came to the compound. I have found myself even liking him as more than a friend. His charm just gets to me I guess.

"Come on let's go I want to show you something." He picks me up in his arms and I held on tightly. "Are you scared?"

"No." He looked at me. I could tell he didn't believe me. "Maybe. Just a little." I was planning to hear him laugh at me but all he said was:

"I would never hurt you." I looked me in the eyes. I could tell he wasn't joking he was sincere. My heart fluttered at his sudden seriousness. My face immediately got heated and I could tell I was blushing. Pietro noticed and laughed. "Let's go." He dashed forward.

When I was with him running it felt amazing like you could see every thing in slow motion with the wind going across your face. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. When he slowed down we were at a beautiful cliff.

"That was amazing." I said when Pietro let me go. "What is this place." I walk forward to the edge. He followed me looking right at me to see how I was reacting to the place. Like he was afraid I wouldn't like it.

"I found it while I was clearing my head a while back. It made me think of you."


"I think this would be a great place to learn how to fly."

"What is with you wanting me to fly?"

"Maybe so I wouldn't have to wait for you to catch up with me."

"Oh please." I pushed him playfully and rolled my eyes.

"In all seriousness though, I know you can do it. I want the best for you." He looked at me. "Also if you did this you would be in my debt."

"And what would I need to do then to pay you back?" I walked towards him.

"Go on a date with me." I was a little shocked and happy. Pietro actually wanted to go on a date with me. I smiled.

"Deal. But if I can't fly?"

"You still do on a date with me."

"Where you trying to ask me out this whole time?" I was standing very close to him now inches form his face.

"Definitely." We both started leaning in and just when I think he was about to kiss me he pushes me off the cliff. I start to fall and fall. Until I hear the whispers in the wind.

"Fly fly fly." They said. I focused and I blasted into the air.

"Whooohoooo." I shouted. It was beautiful view from all the way up. For a second I forgot that someone pushed me. For a second. I started lowering back down. When my feet touched the ground I saw Pietro clapping.

"I knew you could do it."

"You jerk." I came up to him and pushed him. "I could've died."

"I said this place would be a good way for you to learn how to fly. I didn't say how."

"You were planning to push me off?! You are actually crazy!"

"It worked didn't it." I stood there in disbelief. Then little by little I noticed he was right. I wouldn't have been able to fly if he didn't give me a push. Literally. Pietro then broke the silence.

"You know I would've never actually let you die right?" He came up to me and put a hand on my cheek. I huffed angrily.

"I'm still mad at you but, thank you." I looked up at him. Sometimes you forget how tall he is making me feel all small. I got nervous with how close he was to me. He leaned down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. We continued like that until I realized our feet weren't on the ground anymore. I took us flying. I pulled back. "Sorry, I'll get us to the ground."

"No need. The view is beautiful up here."

"Yeah it's something." He kissed me again.

"You still owe me a date." He said. "Tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7." He smiled.

"Tomorrow." I smiled back. Then I stayed up there with him until the sun set.

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