I Find Long Legs Sexy

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My alarm clock rang for the first time this whole summer. Let me just say, it was not at all pleasing.

Once I turned it off, I pulled myself out of bed... no matter how much my body yearned to stay.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out an outfit I had prepared since last night. And by prepared, I meant the last pieces of clothing I had left in my closet. The rest were packed away in my trunk, which was prepared for the train ride to school.

Continuing my task of getting ready, I brushed through my brown hair before storing it away in my trunk. Then I sat up straight, my blue eyes meeting its reflection in the mirror. Raising an eyebrow, I stared at my reflection with slight amusement. I was about to go into my sixth year, the year before I graduate. It wasn't like I was looking into colleges as most muggles did at this time, but the fact that my future was so close was not something I was particularly ready for.  

Looked away from the mirror, I slung my leather camera bag around my shoulder before pulling my trunk out of my room and down the stairs. There was a loud clunk behind me with each step I took down the staircase. I left my trunk in the living room and dropped my camera bag on the couch as I walked towards the kitchen.

I grabbed a piece of toast with Nutella on it then sat down at the table. My mother and sister were already seated at the table.

Both of them had sleek, dark brown hair and natural, bronzed skin

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Both of them had sleek, dark brown hair and natural, bronzed skin. They were often mistaken as sisters, even though there was a 28-year old age gap. I had more of my mother's facial features than my father's, but my lighter hair and paler skin set me apart from the two of them. But the one quality my sister did not get from my mother was her crystal blue eyes. The two of us shared the eye color our father had passed down to us. 

Sitting down at the table, I watched the pictures from my mother's copy of the Daily Prophet move across the page. Most pictures consisted of the minister of magic making speeches anxiously to the press. There were also a few remaining photos on the horror from Quidditch World Cup.

After a few minutes, there was an identical banging from the stairs to the one I made when I came down with my trunk. The three of our eyes lifted from where they were currently resided over to the staircase to see my brother drop his trunk next to my own. He walked into the kitchen and made himself a cream cheese bagel before sitting down right next to me. His sandy brown hair was in a floppy mess atop his head as his brown eyes looked down at his GameBoy lazily. 

My zoned out gaze at the paper was interrupted my mother's loud sigh which was followed by the handful of paper being set on the table. 

"I don't think you three should return to school this year."

Courtney choked on her cereal before screaming out in protest. Patrick did the same thing, as I just looked at my mother tiredly.

"You can't be serious," I said allowed. 

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