You're One Cocky Bastard

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"Olivia!" A voice hissed, shaking my relaxed body. "Olivia, wake up!"

"Mmm, five more minutes, mum," I mumbled turning on my other side in my bed.

"Olivia, please wake up!" The voice whispered more frantically. "It's an emergency!"

I took in a sharp breath then let out a loud groan. Sitting up in my bed, I stretched out, before falling back into a slouching position.

"What's up?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"I need you to take me to the Hospital Wing," the voice, I now recognized as Ginny's whispered.

Opening my eyes, I could see that the sun was only just rising, so it must be around 6:30. But right in front of me was Ginny. Her usually straight red hair was a bit ruffled up, and although her eyes were wide, bags hung under them. 

"And why's that?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.

"It hurts right here," she said, rubbing her abdomen. "And... I-I think I pooped my pants."

Even with the small amount of light coming through the window, I saw her cheeks turn a faint pink.

I smiled softly at her.

"Gin, you're not sick," I chuckled getting out of bed.

"I'm not?" She asked.

I shook my head while pulling open a drawer on the bedside table next to my bed. "No, Gin. You've just gotten your period."

"No, a period is when you have blood pour out of your vagina like a waterfall," she whispered, obviously embarrassed talking about it. "Blood is red, not brown."

"Ahh, young innocent, Ginevra. Being raised with boys has not helped you in any way," I chuckled pulling out a pad. "Let's say there has been blood sitting in your vagina for a few weeks or days, would it still be red?"

"Umm, I guess not," she agreed softly, blushing very hard.

"Gin, don't worry, I'm like your older sister," I sighed leading her to the bathroom in my room. "You don't have to be embarrassed."

"I know, but it's so awkward," she admitted.

"Eh, after you've had your first one it's not as awkward. I mean look at me! I'm here giving you wisdom and pads," I laughed handing her the pad.

She took the pad and smirked. "Well, you also like to have people stalk your crush for you so you shouldn't be talking."

I blushed. "Just go change yourself, Bloody Mary."

"Can you get me a fresh pair of underwear?" She asked me.

"Fine," I sighed walking back to my bed. I pulled my wand out from under my pillow. "Accio underwear."

Seconds later, a pair of black underwear flew into the room towards me. I grabbed it then headed back into the bathroom.

"Here's your black laundre," I snickered, tossing her the underwear.

She blushed intensely and rushed into the stall.

"Hey, since we are on the puberty subject," I started.

"Oh god," Ginny cut in nervously.

"Do you need any bras?" I asked sitting on the sink.

"Umm... no," she said awkwardly. "And even if I did, I wouldn't be able to fit into those jug holders you have."

"Okay, just asking. No need to get snarky," I defended. "And they aren't even that big." 


"Hey, A'liv," George and Lee said when I entered the deserted Great Hall.

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