Meant to Be

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Zander's POV

"Okay, everyone," Hailey says. "Today we will be practicing our performance skills. We don't want to just sound good on stage, but also look good." She glanced around the room, which was missing two members. "...does anyone know where Luke and Jake are?" 

"I'm here!" I turn to see Luke standing at the door with a paper in his hand. "Sorry I'm late. I had to get something from my locker." He looked around and also noticed Jake was missing. "...where's Jake?"

"He hasn't turned up yet. Typical," Hailey answered, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh." Luke said. He sounded disappointed.

Milly must have noticed the paper too, because she crept up behind him to look at it. "What's that you got there?" she asked slyly.

"Uh," Luke stuttered. "It's, uh-" 

Milly took it from him and started reading with a mischievous expression. Luke sighed. "Jake proposed that I try writing my own song, so..."

Milly's eyebrows shot up. "You wrote a love song?!"

I inhaled sharply. Wait, what? Why didn't he tell me? I thought we were best friends... I thought we told each other everything.

Hailey seems surprised, too. "Wait, really, Luke? That's so unlike you!"

"I didn't know you were interested in songwriting," I said.

"W-well, not really, but I wanted to try it out. Jake even said that he'd sing it before we started rehearsals." his face fell. "But I guess we can't do that today."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "I mean... It's not like Jake is the only one here who can sing, though. Why don't you give it a go, Hailey?"

Hailey's face reddened. "Sean! I can't believe what you're suggesting!"

Sean chuckled. "Don't be silly, you know your voice is amazing."

"Aw, please, Hailey?" Milly jumped in. "We haven't heard you sing in ages!"

She's right, I thought. It has been a long time. Ever since Jake joined, he's been the singer.

"Uh, but honestly, guys, I'm really out of practice, so maybe we should just wait for Jake to-"

"Oh please, stop with the modesty, Hailey!" I interrupt. "You know you're good. Besides, we could be waiting all day for that oaf to turn up."

"I don't want to force you or anything, Hailey," Luke added, "but it would really mean a lot to me if you could do this for me. We're your family, remember? You don't have to be anxious in front of us."

Hailey hesitated for a moment, then finally mumbled, "Alright, you win."

Everyone let out groups and words of encouragement. I was too busy thinking, I wonder who Luke wrote the song for. Why didn't he tell me? I know I've been pushing him away, but... I thought we told each other everything. Well... Not everything, I amended. I've thought about telling him how I feel a thousand times, but I can't risk losing him. I have to wait until I know he feels the same.

I tune back into the conversation just as Hailey starts to sing. I've heard her sing in her room before, but I can tell that this time there's passion behind it.

"And how will we ever see if we are meant to be? It's terrifying, it's terrifying."

Sigh. If only this was how Luke felt about me. He probably wrote it for some other girl, though... my mind flashes back to yesterday in math class. I remember glancing behind me to see a girl named Stacy dreamily staring at Luke. Just the memory of it makes me feel hollow inside.

"That we're meant to be."

I steal a glance at Luke and find him looking back at me. We look away, my cheeks heating up a bit.

"We're meant to be. We're meant to be." 

There's a pause as the song fades out, then Milly starts clapping enthusiastically. "Ha! You rock, Hailey!" she cheered.

"That was amazing, Hailey!" Luke agreed. "You sang it so beautifully."

"See? You were great," Sean said. "You should have more confidence in yourself."

Hailey blushed at the praise. "Thanks, guys," she said shyly.

Suddenly Jake's voice came from the door. "Y-you can sing? Since when?"

Hailey's cheeks flushed even more. "Um..."

"What kind of stupid question is that?" I ask irritably. "She's always been able to sing." She's the club president. What else did you expect, doofus?

"I did tell you, Jake. Hailey can do anything when it comes to music." Sean said. He narrowed his eyes in a teasing way. "Pretty impressive, right?"

"Guys, stop. I'm really not that great." Hailey said shyly.

"No, you are." Jake was looking at her as if she were an angel. "I-I had no idea you could sing like that. You're... amazing."

This made Hailey's already pink cheeks even redder. "Thanks," she mumbled.

"You didn't think you were the only one who could sing, did ya Jake?" Milly teased. 

"Wha-no!" He exclaimed defensively, but his face said otherwise.

"Mm-hm," Milly said disbelievingly. "Well, I don't blame you. We barely get to hear Hailey sing ourselves."

"That aside, though. Luke! I can't believe you wrote that!" Sean exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you, Sean. I'm pretty proud of it myself." Luke smiles.

"Oh, sorry I wasn't here to sing it for you," Jake said sheepishly.

"That's all right. It's a good thing we have two amazing singers in the club, huh?" Luke said. 

"Oh...yeah." Jake agreed reluctantly.

"Speaking of which, where were you exactly?" Hailey asked him sternly. "I believe this is the fourth time in a row that you've arrived late, Jake." 

I tune out his answer and start thinking about the love song again. Who could he possibly love? It can't be Stacy, can it? 

Luke's voice interrupts my thoughts. "S-so, Zander...what do you think?" 

My cheeks heat up a little as I think about the song. "Uh, yeah. It was pretty impressive. But why didn't you tell me you wanted to try out songwriting?"

"Well, that's because I didn't—really until yesterday, that is. Hearing Jake sing made me want to put my own feelings into a song."

My eyes widen "Your... own feelings?"

"Uh, yeah." Luke's cheeks turn pink.

So he does love someone. If only it were me...

Then Luke lifts his head. "Zander, the truth is-" The bell rings, cutting him off.

Hailey sighs. "I guess will be practicing our performance skills another day, then."

"Ugh, math." Milly complained. "Anyone feel like skipping?" 

"Don't even think about it, Miss." Sean told her sternly.

As they walk out of the music room I ask Luke, "What were you about to say?"

"Oh! N-nothing." He stutters. "I'll tell you after school. Come on, we don't want to be late." He walks out too, leaving me wondering what he's hiding from me. "O...kay then."

Hi! I know people don't like reading these things, so I'll keep it short. I'm working on a cover for the book, which will hopefully be out soon. Secondly, this is my first fanfic, so thank you for reading! The second chapter will be out ASAP. 

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