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Zander's POV

I slowly open my eyes, dreading what I'm about to see. But wait. The walls are the wrong colour. My spirits rise as I see the creamy white walls of my past room instead of the purple ones in the future. That could only mean one thing. I'm back!

I joyfully leap out of bed and look around my room, marvelling in the fact that I'm finally home. But then I think, Wait—it's light outside! I'm late for school! My parents probably turned my alarm off.

Wait, what am I going to tell everyone? Then I shake myself. Get ready first, come up with something later. 

I hurry through my morning routine. Obviously the bus left a few hours ago, so I have to walk. I run almost all the way there, taking short breaks in between. When I get there, I realize I've missed almost all of my morning classes and am in the middle of the last one before lunch. 

When I enter the classroom, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. "Zander," Ms. Clozy says pleasantly. "Come sit there." She points to a desk right next to Jake. 

"Where were you?" He whispers. "Everyone's been looking for you!" 

I shoot him a glare and tilt my head towards the front of the classroom. Not now. We're in the middle of class, doofus. He shuts up, but continues looking at me curiously. I sigh. This is going to be fun to explain at lunch. 

The bell rings earlier than I expect, due to arriving late. I hurry towards the lunchroom, excited to see everyone and dreading having to answer all their questions. 

When I come over to the table we usually sit at, I feel arms wrap around my waist energetically. "Hey, Milly," I say.

She lets go and demands, "Where were you?! We were so worried!" 

"Uh...I'll explain when everyone's here." I say nervously, buying myself some more time. 

"Zander?" I turn around to see Hailey standing behind me. 

"Hailey!" She hugs me, and I hug her back for a little before pulling away and looking at her. 

I've gotten used to her future self, so she looks younger now, and...happier. I realize how hard it must've been for her to watch the club fall apart after working so hard to keep it together. 

"What happened to you?" She asks worriedly. "It's been a whole week!"

"I'll explain when everyone arrives," I repeat. "So, what happened while I was gone?" 

"Not much," she answers. 

"Zander? Is that you?"

I turn at the familiar voice and my heart leaps when I recognize him. "Luke!" We hug each other fiercely. 

This is what I missed most when I was in the future. I missed seeing him everyday, walking home together, and being friends. I hated not being able to talk to him—how could my future self bear it?

Once everyone is at the table and joyful greetings have been exchanged, Hailey asks, "So...are you going to tell us where you were, and what happened to you?" Everyone looks at me.

I gulp. I don't want to lie to them, but the truth is way too crazy to believe. So what do I say?

Then I remember telling future Hailey about my situation and her believing me. I think I can tell them the truth. 

I clear my throat. "Okay. So I know this sounds crazy, but please believe me. I promise I'm telling the truth."

All of them look at me curiously and I take a deep breath. "So it all started when I fell asleep in the music room a week ago..."

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