When the Rules are Stupid

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The next morning just after daybreak, Asha's phone chimed. Then every few seconds it chimed again.

She groaned, peaking out at the dim light and searching blindly for the phone on her nightstand.

"What time is it?" she muttered sleepily.

She picked up her phone and checked the screen.

New text from: Ares

Adrenaline launched through her system, and she sat up, pushing her hair out of her face and cursing when her phone stayed on lock screen.

Finally, she got the phone to recognize her, and with a deep breath, opened the messages.

Ares: Hey, Hashbrown

Ares: Good morning

Ares: I hope I didn't wake you

Ares: The thing is I'm going grocery shopping today

Ares: And thought maybe you'd like to go with me? 

Ares: And maybe we could have lunch together after or something... 

She squealed excitedly and tapped to text back. Before she could start, she received another text. Then another, and another.

Ares: I know it's kind of last minute

Ares: probably sounds really lame, right? 

Ares: I'll take you on a real date soon

Ares: not this that is a date!

Ares: unless you want it to be? 

Ares: I just want to hang out with you, and thought it might be a good way to do that

Ares: anyway, I'm going to stop texting now. Let me know what you want to do. 

Ares: bye

Asha's heart hammered, and a smile swept across her face.

She typed:

I'd love to hang out with my friend Ares today.

She paused before she sent the message.

Did she really want to friend zone him? Especially after last night? He was all-in, and he was willing to do whatever it took to see if they were in fact made for each other. Was she really going to be a coward and refuse him because of ancient rules she didn't even agree with? 

Don't back down, she reminded herself. 

She backspaced and started over, her heart pounding so hard she felt the pulse in her bottom lip as she sucked it in and gathered the courage to hit send.


Several miles away Ares stalked back and forth in his small living room, sweeping his hand through his hair and glancing at the phone.

"Maybe she's still asleep? Wayden, I'm such a dork!"

A ding hit his ears, and he swung his head to see the phone's display light up.

New Message Received from: Your Hashbrown.

He sat down on the couch Fallon had recently vacated and looked at the phone. His heart pounded so loudly he could hear the beat.

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