Fallon and Hase: Enjoined

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Fallon woke up feeling more relaxed, more at peace, than he had in years.

A feeling of serenity and rightness coursed through his body when he registered Hase was still snuggled so trustingly in his arms, allowing him to be her cuddler and guardian.

His arms tightened fractionally at the thought, possessiveness and protectiveness welling up inside of him. He would face any evil for her, would suffer any pain to keep her safe.

Hase was his Mate, his forever, and he felt very blessed knowing that she felt the same.

As if his thoughts had summoned her consciousness, he felt her body stir and her emotions spark with awareness. Much like he had, when she registered who she was with, he felt the sweetest emotions sweep through her: love, serenity, and joy.

"'Mornin', my strong, beautiful mistress," he murmured into her hair, kissing her temple.

Joy filled the large room at his words, and Hase turned herself into his embrace, snuggling closer and kissing his neck, "'Mornin', Fallon. How's my pet?"

"Phenomenal, mistress. After all, you've been in my embrace all night."

"Mmm," she agreed happily, rubbing her face against his collar. It made him smile.

He felt her hesitate for just a moment before she asked, "No bad dreams?"

He was touched that she worried about him but it also brought back a hint of shame. He didn't want her to have to constantly worry about his trauma. It didn't need to become her burden. He didn't want to become her burden.


"I'm not fragile, Hase," he finally whispered, pride hurt.

"I know," she quickly assured him. "I wasn't trying to imply that. Geeze, you and Ares are a lot alike. I can check on you without thinking you're weak, you know... it just means I care."

His heart lightened, "I'm sorry--"

"Don't apologize. We're okay. I'm always on your side, Fallon. Always."

He held her tighter, wordlessly rocking her in his arms. He loved this woman, wanted her to be his everything forever, wanted to belong--

"What--Oh my--Wayden! Fallon!" she squeaked, pushing against him and flailing. Worry poured from her, and he could feel her heart pounding.

He pulled back in shock, studying her face, "What's wrong, Hase?"

"Y-you're bleeding!" she scrambled off the bed, looking around for something, anything, to stop the flow of blood.

Fallon sat up, looking down at his forearm curiously. He hadn't felt any injury, but--

His heart stuttered. No. No way. Was that--

Hase quickly returned from the adjacent bathroom with a towel, throwing herself towards him. "I don't know how you got hurt--"

He caught her hands in a gentle grip, "Hase."

"You've got to let me put pressure on your wound, Fallon. How did this happen? Was there glass in the bed or something--"

"Hase," he said again gently, his heart swelling with the love he felt for her.

Her eyes finally left the blood flowing down his arm to meet his eyes. Hers were frantic, but seeing his calm and tender, her alarm turned into confusion. "You're not freaked out?"

"No," he assured her, "I'm not. Hase... I think my soul wants you to be my Bloodmate."


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