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"So," Ares said, voice detached, "I guess you've come all this way for nothing, then."

Ben looked at him, brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not your heir. I'm no use to you."

Ben shook his head, "Even if you're not destined to be my heir, Wayden put you in my life for a reason. Ares, you're my brother."

"A brother you never claimed."

"I'm claiming you now."

"Maybe I don't want to be claimed now," Ares growled, looking from Ben to Kurt. "Maybe the two of you should have said something a lot fucking sooner. Maybe I don't want to just be a spare set of balls for the family."

"ARES CORVIS-LEONAS!" Ms. Grau admonished; her eyes trained on him. "Everything Ben did was to protect you, and—"

"And you?" Ares countered, gaze swinging to her. "Was everything just because I was supposed to be his heir?"

She opened her mouth, closed it, then sighed, "I can't say that it had nothing to do with it, but Ares, the moment I saw you, recognized who you were, I needed to protect you. You're every bit as much my little brother as you are Ben's."

"But now that you know I'm not going to be his heir?" Ares prompted, fists clenched, heart pounding wildly.

"You're still precious to me," she said softly. "I regret nothing that I did, except..." her voice trailed off as she looked to Ben.

Ben sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I made her promise not to tell you. She tried to talk me into meeting with you in secret when you were younger, but I know the shit Alpha Leonas pulls on teenagers. We couldn't risk it, couldn't risk that he'd use you against me."

Horror flashed through Ares, "But Mrs. Cougar—"

"—Is protected by the Law of Bloodmates," Ben said firmly, seeming to easily follow Ares' thoughts. "The rest of my family and friends, however...I've been trying to figure out how best to protect them from Leonas and his minions until everything is sorted out."

"Which is why, when we heard you were venturing to Arreous," Mrs. Cougar added, "we decided it was time."

A Draechegan guard rushed into the room, panting, "My Queen! More strangers have entered our lands!"

The Dragon Queen's eyes shot to Ben's, "Is this your doing?"

He inclined his head, "Yes. It's the rest of my personal pack—friends and family I need safe until after..."

"They cannot stay here," the Queen said gruffly, shoulders back, chin high.

Somewhere behind them, Jacque snorted.

The Queen turned her glare on him, "What do you find so amusing, Fae?"

"If you remember, my lady," Jacque said pointedly, "your kingdom was never our intended destination. Ares is not the only one with missing family."

He looked between Ambry and Asha. Ambry's eyes grew large, "One of ours?"

Jacque nodded, "Your reincarnated... aunt, I suppose she would be."

Ben nodded, "Lady Siphon ush Bête esh Embry."

"Lady Siphon?" the Queen's eyes grew large. Around her quick whispers were exchanged.

"And her Bloodmate, Lord Calandras," Ben continued.

"Two people are not a group—"

"Virginia Marshall-Rodriguez, Swarm Mother, and her Mate Dustin Rodriguez, Ancient One," Ben said, ticking off people on his fingers. "P.A. and Helen Cassel, Archie and Melody Cook, Edward and Danny Grau: leaders of the New Slaires, Marta and Robbie Chen—"

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