Chapter One

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Lorena's POV
Hi, I'm Lorena Bentlee Swan and I'm 16 years old. Does the last name sound familiar to you? Maybe you're thinking of Chief of Forks Police, Charlie Swan, or Bella Swan. Am I related to them, you ask? Yep. They're my father and older sister. I absolutely adore my older sissy Bella and when I was younger, when we were both living with our mom, Renee, in Phoenix Arizona, I used to follow Bella everywhere. I was her shadow and she was the best older sister ever. She never once complained about me following her and she never got mad at me for anything. We were super super close, or at least, we were before her boyfriend now husband, Edward Cullen came along. After we moved to Forks from Arizona three months after I was diagnosed with acute lung cancer, Bella met Edward and we spent less and less time together after that. She's almost a stranger to me now.

I moved in with the Cullens a week after Carlisle Cullen, the head of the Olympic Coven and also my now adopted father, read my file and insisted I move in so that he can keep a closer eye on me. A couple of weeks after that, the Cullens found out I was into DDLG and a Little after I accidentally regressed in front of them. I thought that they were going to think I was gross or not want me there, but they surprised me and were very supportive and accepting. All except for Edward, but I don't care. Edward's just a meanie. After Bella got married to Edward, she came back early from their honeymoon and was pregnant with my niece, Renesmee, who is a half-vampire half-human hybrid. I didn't like her at first, but after the first time I held her and she showed me her memories, I fell in love with the little girl and I would do anything for that child.

Everything was perfect until Irina from the Denali Clan saw Renesmee and thought she was an Immortal Child, now we have to face the Volturi and certain death. Just bloody perfect. As if it's not bad enough that I'm so sick some days I can't move from the couch, now we have to face the Volturi all because that bitch Irina wouldn't listen for five fucking minutes. I hate that bitch. Today, Carlisle had been on the phone on and off for three hours, explaining the situation to his friends and gathering witnesses. Nessie was playing with mine and Bella's childhood friend, Jacob Black, who is from the Quileute Tribe and can shift into a werewolf. He imprinted on Nessie when she was born and as soon as Bells found out when she woke up, she literally almost killed him. Seth and Leah Clearwater were at the house too, they had abandoned Sam's pack and joined Jake's. Seth and I are the same age and are best friends. He's very accepting of me and even helps the Cullens take care of me until I find my mate/true mate or whatever it was called.

I was laying on the couch with my head in Seth's lap. Today was one of my bad days. I was having trouble breathing and my face was very pale and my usually bright chocolate brown eyes, like Bella's eyes before she was changed, were dark and sunken in. I lapsed into another coughing fit and when Seth put the tissue by my mouth, I coughed up drops of blood.

"Carlisle!" Seth called, panicking.

Carlisle was by my side in an instant. He moved so fast from the study to the living room that I didn't see him move.

"She's coughing up blood!" Seth panicked. Flashes of hurt flickered across Carlisle's face.

"I know, Seth, but I gave her some medicine a little over an hour ago. Any higher dose of it and it will kill her before the cancer does." Carlisle replied, running his hand through my purple hair.

Yes, I dyed my hair purple. If you have a problem with it, then fuck off.

My vision blurred and my hearing was fuzzy, I didn't hear Seth yelling my name or Carlisle telling me to stay awake as I passed out. This wasn't unusual. I would get really dizzy and my hearing and vision would blur and go fuzzy until I passed out cold. Carlisle wants to change me to save me, but he can't because I'm only sixteen years old and if he did, he would be making an Immortal Child and put his whole family, including me, in danger. So he had no choice but to watch me suffer and battle my lung cancer day in and day out and do the best he could to keep me alive for another two years. I've been battling cancer for a year now and I just want my suffering to end. I want to go out on my own terms, but no one will let me just die peacefully. I already made Carlisle promise me that if worse came to worse and I either died or if I got so sick I was near death, that he would let me die and not resuscitate me or that he would change me. I made the rest of the Cullens promise me too.

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