A push in the right direction

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Everyone is sitting in the grand hall as Dumbledore says his little speech. "Also students on Friday there is a hogsmead trip you may only go if you get a parents permission now tuck in" Dumbledore says from the front of the room. Then all the food appears and everyone starts eating and talking.
"You goin with us to hogsmead" Sirius says smiling as he puts an arm around Aubrey. She smiles and laughs. "Of course I am Padfoot I always go with you guys" she says smiling at him. He smiles and laughs. "Yay" he says happily. They eat and talk while quietly Remus and James are talking. "You thinkin padfoot likes her" James says smiling. Remus nods. "Yea I think she likes him to but there both to damn stubborn and scared of being rejected to act on it" Remus says before taking a sip of his drink. "Maybe she needs a push" James says smirking. "Are you really just gonna push her into him" Remus says with a quiet laugh. James smiles and nods. Remus shakes his head but laughs. Soon dinner ends. They are all walking around and Sirius is beside Aubrey talking. James smiles at Remus. James pretends to trip and pushes Aubrey at Sirius. Sirius immediately catches her so she doesn't fall. "You okay kitty" he says smiling at her him still holding her. She smiles. "Yea thanks padfoot" she says smiling. Then they continue walking. As there walking they see Lily Evans and a Hufflepuff girl talking. Lily turns and smiles at the marauders. "Aubrey you should go to hogsmead with us" Lily says smiling. Sirius immediately puts and arm around her and rest his head against hers. "Sorry Lily but Kitty is goin with us" Sirius says smiling. Lily frowns. "Can't you hangout with your little boyfriend and his little follows a different day" she says with a sad look. "Okay 1 Sirius isn't my boyfriend he's my best friend and second James is the leader of the group let's be real" Aubrey says with a confused look. Lily rolls her eyes. "I promise we can hangout a different day Lils I told the boys I would go with them and I know Better then to disappoint Sirius Black" she says with a laugh. Sirius smiles and picks his head off of her and says "That's a good thing to know." She laughs.
(Time skip to later that night)
All the marauders are hanging out in the common room. "Potter,Black,Lupin,Pettigrew,Winchester lights out go to bed" a prefect says looking at them. "Oh come on let us stay" Sirius begs. "No go to bed or I will call mcgonagall" the prefect says annoyed. The she walks off. "We have the invisible cloak, you should sleep in the boys sleeping quarters tonight Kitty. We can hangout it would be fun" James says smirking at Remus. "Yea pleeeeeeeeease Kitty" Sirius says smiling. "Yea!" Remus says happily. "Why does she gotta sleep in our sleeping quarters why can't you guys go sleep in hers" Peter says annoyed. "Because there's not a lot a room for us it's only one person who needs some where to sleep if she comes to ours" Sirius says annoyed. "So will you?!" Sirius says hopefully. "Yea I will just let me go get changed into pajamas I'll meet you guys down here when I'm done" she says smiling. All boys nod happily. Peter rolls his eyes and goes to the sleeping quarters. Aubrey then goes to the sleeping quarters. She walks to her bed witch is by Lily's and smiles. "Hey Lils" Aubrey says smiling. "Hey" Lily says smiling. "Will you help with my necklace real quick" Aubrey says putting her school stuff on her bed. Lily nods and stands. She undoes the clasp and takes it off. Then Lily looks at it. "Is this a lioness necklace?" Lily says looking at it. "Yea Padfoot got if for me he gave it to me on the train" Aubrey says smiling. Lily smirks and hands her the necklace. "Sirius is pretty attached to you don't you think" Lily says smirking. "I mean yea he's my best friend" Aubrey says confused. She then grabs her pajamas and goes to the stalls to change.

She takes off her makeup then puts her necklace away

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She takes off her makeup then puts her necklace away. "Well night Lils I'll probably see you at breakfast in the morning I'm sleeping in the boys sleeping quarters tonight" Aubrey says smiling as she brushes out her hair. "Who suggested that" Lily's says smirking. "James" she says before going to brush her teeth. Lily knows James is thinking something. Then Aubrey goes downstairs sneaking.

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