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Background: Ryley's mother died during birth leaving her father(Remus Lupin) a single dad. He moved to the burrow to get help raising her, which is what allowed her and Ron to get so close. Remus and Sirius Black are together even when Sirius is in Azkaban. Remus thought it was right to do since he would eventually be a parent to you so he gave you both his and Sirius's last name. When Sirius got out of Azkaban, Sirius moved into the burrow and him and Remus got married and they all continued living at the burrow which Molly and Arthur were glad to allow.

This book will be starting at the beginning of Ryley's fourth year(Ron, Ryley, Harry, Hermione, Draco, etc.) This book won't follow everything that happens in the books such as Remus, Sirius, Fred, etc. all live.

Draco isn't rude(eventually anyway). He fights alongside Hogwarts in the war and won't become a Deatheater. I'm mostly having Draco like this cause I have a slight soft spot for him in a way.

There will be some chapters that focus on other characters lives so it isn't just Ron and Ryley.

You can imagine any name but writing y/n can be confusing for me and I don't enjoy reading y/n over and over so I made a character with first and last name.

Okay sorry for such a long intro/background so onto the story. Also sorry if there are any mistakes with spelling or anything. I'm not great at writing all the time so.

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