Classes, Classes and More Classes

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Ryley's POV

Today is the first day of classes. First I have Potions, my least favorite classes then I have Charms, History of Magic, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures. Then every other day I have Divination-I know pretty unreal but kinda funny, Astronomy, DADA, Transfiguration and lastly Study of Ancient Runes. I have a very busy schedule but I never get bored. After classes I want to work on homework for a  couple of hours. so I headed to the library to get a nice, quiet, calm place to work. God I love the library honestly. Just so so many books and I absolutely love reading and well its just always calm and peaceful really.

While peacefully working on homework Ron and Harry come running in and sitting at my table, followed by a rather angry looking Hermione.

"Bloody hell, what have they done this time?"
"Well they're already causing trouble for themselves. The first day and they already have Snape threating them with weeks of detention. It's utterly ridiculous."
"What the hell you two. Unacceptable. Now get to work on your homework."

Ron looks at Hermione and I with a nervous smile and then says "I uh kinda forgot my bag in my dorm"
"I'm going to murder you, go grab it and come right back here. Also uh Harry I notice you aren't working so get to it."

"Their helpless without us Hermione. Helpless." "Oh trust me, I know."

Harry starts to work, asking Hermione constantly for help while I sit there finishing up my paper for Potions which is the last bit of homework I have. Thank god. After nearly 30 minutes Ron comes walking back in the library and sits down next to me pulling out his homework for the day and immediately asks me for help with potions, which I agree to.

We spend about another hour there all working together, me and Hermione constantly being asked questions about nearly everything, until 10 minutes before dinner starts.

Once Ron notices the time he immediately starts packing and then say "its nearly dinner time, lets go." So we then all pack up and start walking, well Ron was more speed walking or jogging, to the great hall. We find our normal seats, next to Ginny, Luna and Neville, granted I doubt Hermione, Harry or Ron would sit with Luna or Neville if it weren't for the fact Ginny and I are friends with both of them. After sitting down though Ron immediately starts shoving food in his mouth while the rest of us plate up or food and start slowly eating and politely for that matter.

*Time skip*(brought to you by..... duh duh duuuuuh - me not being over my ex:)

After dinner I go back to more dorm and shower, brush my teeth and hair, throw some pjs on and then I read a little before bed and then I sleep and repeat all over again thru the week. I love weekends though because we don't have classes on weekends so we can hangout, go to Hogsmeade, parties, etc. And I love getting to hangout with Ron, ever since well I don't know when but I have confirmed the fact that I have a crush on Ron but there's no way he likes me back. Right?

Word Count: 553

I don't like this chapter very much, once again I think it's mostly just a fill in chapter to progress the story without weird time skips in it. -Bye

P.S. I'll try making the next chapter better for y'all

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