Sleep over(part 2)

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A/N - I'm watching The Grinch while writing this and it's making me wish even more that it was Christmas in the book. Ugh I can't wait to write about it in here.

Ryley's POV 

“Alright well I planned this sleepover for one main purpose.” stated Ryley “and what reason is that?” Hermione asks. “Well we need to catch up. I haven’t seen you guys much since school started.”

We proceed to all talk for nearly an hour before suddenly Ginny blurts out “WE SHOULD PLAY TRUTH OR DARE” “OKay, sure” we all say back.

“I’ll go first,” I say. “Gin truth or dare?” “truth.” “Alright, who is your favorite brother?” “Ew none of them” replies Ginny. “You have to choose at least one Gin.” “Ugh fine, Fred and George, they’re entertaining at least.”

We continue on asking silly truth questions and doing dumb dares from screaming in the hall to running through the boys dormitory. That one really wasn’t smart. It’s starting to get boring when suddenly Hermione asks me/

“truth or dare Ryley?” “Oh uh truth.” “Do you have a crush?” “What? No, I don’t like anyone.” I quickly replied. Immediately Hermione says I’m lying. We continue to argue over whether I am being truthful or not until we hear a knock on the door.

“Who the bloody hell is it?” “Erm its Harry, and Ron” 

I look at Hermione, roll my eyes and then get up to open the door.

“What do you two want?” “Erm well it's the four of us actually..” “What do you mean-” I’m cut off by Dean and Seamus saying hello

“What the bloody hell do you guys want?” “ Well we’re bored and we knew you girls were hanging out.” “So?” “We were, erm, wondering if we could join? Just for a little bit..until we go to bed.” 

I look back at the girls after they ask. Hermione and Luna smile and nod, signifying they can come in for a bit. I look at Ginny who just rolls her eyes but nods.

“Come on, quick before we change our mind.” I roll my eyes as they rush in and sit down next to Hermione and Luna.

“Perfect timing you guys have. We were just about to turn on a movie.” They all smile happily for a movie. “..oh and face mask” I smile as I watch their smiles drop, immediately realizing they messed up.

“Alright uh just partner up with someone so we can get started.” 

The pairs end up being Luna and Ginny, Dean and Seamus, Hermione and Harry. Which leaves me with Ron. Funny enough, whether he would ever mention it, we would do things like this all time at The Burrow. He hated it supposedly but never complained, so how much could he really hate it?

I grab the face mask stuff and put on the movie. However we don’t really pay attention and are more focused on the face mask and laughing at the boys. 

“Bloody hell Ron sit still” “Sorry sorry, it's just cold and tingly” “Well that is what it’s meant to feel like, now sit still” Ron still scrunches his face up and I’d finally had enough. I take some of the mask and instead of spreading it on his face I wipe it all over his shirt.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL RYLEY” Ron yells. “Oops, my hand must have slipped.” I say while giggling. “Oh you’ll regret that.” He says as he grabs the chocolate he was eating and gets it all over my shirt. “OI WHAT THE HELL” “Oops, hand must have slipped.”

We both start laughing uncontrollably while everyone looks at us. I then drag Ron into my bathroom to clean up. Everyone decides to just go back to watching the movie.

“Sorry about that Ron” I say as I grab a washcloth and turn the water on, waiting for it to warm up. “It’s alright, I got you back in the end.” The water is finally warm and I go to wetten the washcloth when Ron grabs it from me. “Here, let me help you. He says while smiling. He starts to wipe the chocolate that had gotten on my hairline off, he then stops realizing how close we were to one another. There was barely 3 inches between us. I feel my cheeks starting to heat up and quickly step back while looking down, hoping Ron hadn’t seen me blushing. However I caught a glimpse of his face, and we were blushing. Ron quickly wipes off his face and rushes out the bathroom as I follow close behind, not to close though. He looks at Harry and then suddenly they are leaving, Dean and Seamus following quickly behind them. The girls try to ask what happened but I ignore them. I pick up everything from the face mask and then throw away my trash. I look and realize it is already past midnight.

“We should get to bed now. It’s past midnight already” 

They all hesitantly nod and start laying down. I fall asleep rather quickly and drift into a dream about Ron. Most likely triggered by the recent interaction between us.  

Word Count: 866

A/N - Well this chapter was interesting I suppose. Also I am going to start doing questions at the end of the chapters. Most likely one about the chapter and then a fun one.

Did you like this chapter? Was it interesting, any suggestions?
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