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That night Quibli led her into the mountain and to a cave fit for five dragons. There was a cooked chicken on the table with some fruit. It wasn't the most romantic thing, but Moon knew this must be his first date. They talked for a while and ate dinner. It was delicious! "I didn't know you could cook!" Moon said. Quibli said through a mouth full of grapes "Thanks. Me neither!".

After they finished dinner, Quibli said "Moon, you are the prettiest Nightwing I have ever seen." And he kissed her for a brief moment the said "sorry. Bye" and before Moon could respond, he left the cave. Moon was left in the cave still in shock from the kiss and she looked back and read Quibli's mind "Wow. You did it. Why did I have to run? She probably thinks I'm the craziest dragon she's met." "Poor Quibli" Moon though. He must have been so nervous. It was weird, but she liked it.

The next day...........

"Hi, Quibli" Moon said to him that morning. They were the only ones awake in the cave. "Good morning, Moon" responded Quibli. "I had fun last night," said Moon to relieve the tension. It didn't help, Quibli started to blush very hard. "Sorry," he said nervously. "There's nothing to be sorry about!" said Moon reassuringly. He blushed then when out of the cave. About two minutes later the gong rang and everyone went to breakfast. Moon couldn't stop thinking about last night. Quibli didn't talk to her for the rest of the day, but he sure did think about her a ton.

That Night, Moon met Quibli at the same cave and they talked and then they kissed again. He was less nervous this time, but it was still awkward. "You are so beautiful. Do you know that?" Quibli said. "It's not like you tell me every time you see me. And in your mind" Moon replied sarcastically. They kissed again. Moon felt Quibli's talons on her back. He was warm and strong, she knew that he would always protect her.

They broke apart and Quibli said "Wait. In my mind?" " Yes, Since I was born under the full moon, I can read minds," Moon said softly. "Oh wow, I'm assuming I can't tell anyone," Qubli said with a shocked expression. " Yes. Please don't" Monn said as Quibli pulled her back into the kiss.

The next day, Moon and Quibli told some of their friends. Kinkajou's reaction was by far the best, and really the only big reaction they got. "WhAt! OMG!!!!! I totally knew you guys would be together!" said Kinkajou, turning bright pink. 

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