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"yeah, and what about it?" you say defensively, putting your arms up in mock-aggression as tsukishima approaches you. his eyes glint with amusement at your actions.

"nothing, no need to get defensive," he replies, yet you still don't put your arms down. he wishes you would though because a few people are starting to stare at you and if there's anything worse than first-hand embarrassment, it's second-hand embarrassment. he tries to maintain his composure by coolly shoving his hands inside the pockets of his wool coat and keeping a neutral expression. "it's just that it's been, what? almost three weeks? since you were supposed to return it to me," he continues.

"so? psh, it's my scarf now. you'll have to fight me for it back!"

he truly starts questioning whether or not you're actually older than him as he watches you pretend to throw violent punches at him, including a vocal pow! with each punch for added effect (but then he remembers two other second years, nishinoya and tanaka, who really aren't much better than you, so he assumes that this type of outlandishness must run within all the second years in class three and below).

for a split moment, he seriously considers walking away and pretending he doesn't know you at all in order to save himself from the strange looks the both of you are receiving from surrounding people (yes, the both of you are getting stares now; tsukishima doesn't understand why he's getting dragged into this mess as well when all he's doing is standing there and staring at you, you know, like all the other casual witnesses). however, in the end, he decides that, as cheesy as this might sound, the embarrassment is worth being able to go on this date with you and seeing that stupid grin on your face.

"pow! pow, pow! pow!"

tsukishima snaps out of his thoughts.

"i'm not going to fight you, so stop that," he scolds you, holding up a hand to block your fists, which have been getting increasingly closer to him with each fake hit. you continue to punch his hand anyway as he sighs tiredly, feeling like he's aged five hundred years since this date's started. "you're so embarrassing, i hate you. you're not even wearing the scarf right, stupid."

after hearing his harsh words, you immediately pause your punches and scowl, quickly readjusting your scarf, which had gotten slightly disarrayed during your fake one-sided fight, as tsukishima tries his best to ignore the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. (he can't lie — everything about you is amusing to him.)

"what do you mean? i clearly am wearing it right," you argue, patting the now fixed scarf. "i think you need some new glasses, tsukki-chan."

he rolls his eyes at your words. "well, now you are," he states the obvious. "you weren't before."

"yes, i was."

"no, you weren't."

"yes, i was. and if i wasn't, it was because of our fight."

"your fight," he corrects you. "so you admit you weren't wearing it right."

"no, i'm not."

"you are." he tuts disapprovingly, shaking his head. "wow, y/n, if you can't wear my scarf properly, how can you say it's yours?" he says to you in this annoyingly condescending tone.

you glare at him. "what, you jealous of the scarf or something?" you accuse, aggressively pointing a finger at his face and nearly poking out his eyeball. "huh, tsukki-chan? do you wanna be mine instead?"

tsukishima opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it as nothing comes to his mind, no snarky remark, no insult, absolutely nothing coherent. you, on the other hand, only pause for a moment to think about what you just blurted out before smoothly pulling an f-boy™ move by biting your bottom lip and stroking your chin with your forefinger and thumb, followed by a lazy laugh.

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