Program buddies 2

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Narrators POV // 4 months into Joja // 11:20 am

Y/n hummed quietly under her breath, her eyes darting from each side of the screen as she typed endlessly, the keyboard making a satisfying yet irritating click each time she heard it.

Sebastian, had also been working on the website.

Like Y/n had thought, Sebastian, unlike her past partners in programming.. had stayed.

He did his best to focus on his work, Y/n sometimes getting distracted and drifting off while typing ideas that she accidentally writes fan fiction on the same document file Sebastian was working on.

He would snicker at the descriptive scenes she would write at times before calling to her attention which embarrassed Y/n completely.

There they sat doing their work.

Thankfully with the help of caffeine Y/n was able to focus more that day.

"Right, and that page is done.." She muttered, sending the document file over to Sebastian who would read over and confirm.

"Done already?" He asked in surprise, Y/n was a hard worker when she tried, maybe she just didn't have the passion to type all day...

Shes mentioned she was more into games than typing which had earned a light scoff from the male.

Sebastian could hear her speak up before being interrupted.

"Hey Y/n! You still doing work?" A feminine voice chirped from her side of the call.

It was cool to see what happens in the daily life of a city girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'll have my break later" Y/n said with a heavy sigh, Sebastian cringed at how similar they sounded, if only she groaned more when being interrupted but he guessed she liked having the company more than he did.

"Aw ok.. who you talking to? Your boyfriend?" The unfamiliar girls voice teased, a small giggle squeezed at the end of her sentence.

"Grace..." Y/n sighed.

"Girlfriend then..?"

"Sure, ok.. the programmer is suddenly my girlfriend" Y/n said sarcastically a quiet 'oh' being heard from the other female, Sebastian felt his cheeks warm.

"Alright then.. I'll talk to you on your break ok? Don't push yourself too hard M/n" Grace said with a worried sigh.

Sebastian was caught off guard with the use of her middle name? Was that her middle name?

Guess it was..

"I won't, also please get me another espresso from the cafe while your there" Y/n called for her and a small laugh erupted from Grace, fuelling her friends addiction.

"Tell Zen to get the doc file sent to me!" She yelled one last time before silence came.

Y/n sighed and stretched her arms over her head "You sure you don't wanna go with your friends?" Sebastian asked, he noticed how much more talkative she had been compared to him.

By the sounds of it, she actually enjoyed speaking to others while working, even when getting distracted at times, there were other moments when she'd be rambling about a new manga whilst typing up perfect formulas into the document they shared.

It scared him for a bit but got used to it after a while of working with her.


It bothered him, the way Y/n's hardworking personality was always used for Jojas advantage, and yet she was still at the bottom of the step ladder.

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