Your Beauty Never Really Scared me 2

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Years later // Sebastian age 10

"Ah..." Sebastian sits up from the warmth of his bed. He hasn't dreamed since he was eight. Not since he saw her.

Ever since then, Sebastian would replicate several drawings of how he pictured that strange little girl so he could not forget the way she looked. The picture was still fresh in his mind, how her skin and bones were tinted and shaped so different from his and yet it was still as beautiful.

He drew her constantly over the years, wishing he could dream again just so he could paint a better picture.

And suddenly, one spring night, there she was.

Sitting by a river surrounded by the forest, Y/n, the Gotoran girl from far away was kneeling over the river, heels planted into the grass as she digs her hand into the water to search through the rocks beneath it.

Her hair was short and wild, unkept and rushing with the wind that flew past her.

The clothes she was wearing were foreign and different from the style in Sebastian's western country. They were wrinkled with proof of distress, probably from running around since Y/n had her shoes propped up on a tree stump behind her.

Her socks were white and dirtied with earth's residue, grass stains painting her hands and knees.

She had several bruises on her shin to her arms, most likely from rushing and tripping over her own feet. Sebastian didn't know her too well. But he surely could guess what she'd been doing before he appeared in their shared dream, if she was even a real person outside of his mind.

"It's you again." He calls out loud enough for her to hear. She perks up at the sound of his voice, turning to look at the source. "You know, I always end up in these places when I sleep. But I've only seen you once before." Y/n stands. She is much more contained than Sebastian remembered.

Something was strange about this encounter.

"You remember me from two years ago?" He asked when she finally stops just a few feet away from him and she smiles, dropping the icy feel from her expression.

All of a sudden, Y/n envelopes him in a big hug, her arms wrapping around his neck to hold him close so she can remember the feeling.

Excitedly, she snickers, fingers pulling at his black tee, "I missed you lots, Bastian."

Her voice is gentle, pulling away when Sebastian pats her shoulder in return. "You did?" He questioned, raising a brow. Y/n takes his hand as she nods, pulling him towards the riverside to show him the shining quartz crystals hiding within a bundle of rocks and pebbles beneath the water. "Of course I did. It's kind of lonely in these places." She stares, looking up at the sky. She lets the cold water of the river rush past her hands, Sebastian's brushing against her fingers to look for his own quartz.

"So since you always end up in these places when you sleep... that means you're also dreaming? Are you a real person?" Sebastian asks, curious as he studies her features, studying every blemish and imperfection in the corners and marks of her skin.

He needed the mental picture. He would finally be able to draw her perfectly again with a clear image in his mind when he thought back to her every part.

"I mean I think... who knows, Bas. We could be from the same world but a totally different reality from each other. Or just a couple million miles apart of however many you need to get over to Gotoro."

Y/n jokes playfully, confusing Sebastian even more. Though she may be telling the truth, Sebastian had no clue whether she truly existed or was just a figure of his imagination, created from childhood loneliness in the depths of his basement.

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