To loud

41 3 0

Next morning
You woke up and then tried to get up to go to the bathroom and then you fall to the ground

Marlene- owww

Tom - oops did i go to hard

Marlene- oh shut up and help me up

Tom picks me up and we lay down again

Tom - well you know I'm rough

Marlene-  no i didn't bc you just took my virginity

Tom - well now you kno- WAIT WHAT why didn't you tell me

Marlene - calm down just did

Tom- come on let's go

Marlene- where

Tom- great hall

Marlene- I can't walk

Tom- I'll carry you

Marlene- now that will look weird

Tom - let's just go

You slowly get up and limp to the great hall

Alex- well someone had fun

Marlene - what

Pansy - you could have at least used a spell I'm pretty sure everyone heard

Tom-😏good they now now who she belongs to

Marlene - yea not you
I get i and get milk and ores and a fork to dip the Oreos in so you won't get your hands dirty

Everyone but Alex looks at you weird

Marlene- what

Draco- why are you eating milk and cookies with a fork

Marlene- show me how you eat it then

Blaise - like this

Marlene- ok but now your fingers are all wet and dirty if you dip it in with a fork it won't get dirty

Theo- woah

They all eat there milk and cookies with a fork

Theo- what happens when this happens : the cookies broke in the milk

Marlene- well then your fucked

Theo- what

Marlene- get you fork and pick it up dumbass

Theo - damnnn is it that time of the month

Pansy- do it
I use my telekinesis to drop him on the floor

Theo - owww


Marlene- what did you say again


Blaise- I thought you weren't scared of anyone or anything

Theo- that was until Marlene came along

Draco- well I'm not

I use my freeze breath and freeze him then I kick him then in freeze him

Draco- oww

Alex- you were saying

Draco - nothing

Marlene- what I thought

Tom- losers I'm not scared of anyone. Especially a girl

Alex- uh oh

Pansy- what

Alex- Marlene hates what he will say that

Blaise - say what

Alex- especially a girl

Pansy - why

Alex - bc that basically means guys are better than girls even though that's not true

Tom- yes it is

Marlene- ok then.
You get up on the table and say
" us girls we are so magical soft skin red lips so kissable hard to resist so touchable"
You get back down and smack Tom and leave like a badass and you get ready for class

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