Bakugou? that sounds familiar...

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Chapter 4 (actually this time)

Ever since that day I was dropped off at the Todoroki house hold and left in Enji's hand's has been nice...but also a nightmare.
Y/n is 11 right here

Dear diary
It's been a few year's since I've become apart of this family, I hate it. But I'm happy that I have Shoto by my side, he's basically like my little brother at this point. I've been protecting him as best I can since I made that promise to a really pretty woman...but I don't remember what her name was, or even what her face looked like.

Your probably wondering what happened to me. Short answer I was put into a coma, long answer I think I was trying to protect my little brother and I think "dad" hit me or something and I remember hitting the floor pretty hard and feeling something warm and wet running down my face. Then I see Shoto's face and I then was greeted by a dark abyss, I think while I was in my coma I kept reliving parts of my childhood. Although the problem was everybody's face seemed to be blurred out and anytime somebody would call their name it was just static. Sooner or later I woke up in the hospital, the doctor said I had been out for 9 weeks, they also said that I had lost some of my memory so I have amnesia. Anyways that's all for now! Bye.


Y/n is now 15

I had woken up on a Monday...god I hate Mondays. I pouted then felt something soft yet hard hit me in the face, it was one of my throw pillows. I looked up to see Shoto and he laughed, yes laughed. He doesn't show emotions to anyone else but me, "Did you just throw my pillow at me?" I asked standing up getting ready to throw it back at him. " is a throw pillow. That is its purpose Y/n" he chuckled and I laughed along, "okay fair enough. You got me there." I replied and he told me to get dressed cause we had to get ready for our first day at UA.
(Yes y'all got into ua, I'm lazy be happy I'm uploading TwT)

After I got ready I ran downstairs and ate breakfast with Shoto. He asked if I was ready to head out and I replied with a yes, but that being said we both grabbed of our bags and said goodbye to our older siblings and walked out heading to school. Once we arrived we walked through the gates and I had a glisten in my eyes. "It's so big!" I giggled and he flicked my head, "you saw it when we came for the entrance exam silly." He replied shaking his head, "I know! But it's so cool!" I smile and we continue to walk to the school. Once we got into the school we tried to find our way to the classroom. Once arriving I heard yelling in the classroom and I opened the door to see a male with navy blue hair and glasses yelling at a blonde with his feet up on the desk. "Bakugou do not put your feet of the schools property! It's disrespectful!!" He yelled out shaking his hand aggressively.

"Bakugou? That sounds familiar.." I whisper to myself then look at Sho.
He shook his head and walked over to a desk and sat down. The two spots beside him were already taken, so I go sit down in front of the angry blonde. All I could hear behind me was arguing and I finally got fed up with it. I turned around my eyes turning white, and my hair rising and flames. "Could you two stop arguing please! It's annoying and bothersome." I spoke out and they stopped and looked at me, the man with glasses apologized and introduced himself as I calmed down my features going back to normal. "I apologize for bothering you miss. My name is Tenya Iida, pleasure to met you." He said holding out his hand, I was hesitant but shook his hand. "My name is Y/n frost, or I guess now known as Todoroki. But please call me Y/n since it would get confusing." I said and the man tilted his head, "I'm sorry but what do you mean by 'get confusing? As well as why your last name has changed." He asked curiously, out of the corner of my eye I noticed the blonde was staring at me but I hadn't paid any mind to him. "My younger brother is sitting over there he has the bi-colored hair. But I am in no way related to him, I am just simply adopted." I stated as he nodded and said his farewells and walked off so I sat back down in my chair. I felt the top of my shoulder and I turned around seeing the blonde haired male look at me. "Can I help you?" I asked tilting my head to the side, "Y/n? Your seriously telling me you don't remember me?" He asked confused and it seemed he was a bit hurt as well as pissed. "I'm sorry, but if you're from my past I have no recollection of you. I had gotten into an accident and I have amnesia." I stated and he looked a bit upset but nodded. "Well since you don't remember who I am, let me introduce myself again." He said grinning, "names Katsuki Bakugou. And I'm going to be the #1 pro hero!" He said in a proud tone and I nodded, "nice to meet you, you seem to have potential to be the number one pro hero." I said and he just chuckled.

To be continued 💜
I know this was short and I'm sorry. I'm honestly not too sure if this made sense, so again I'm sorry if it didn't. Also I am sorry for not uploading sooner I know it has been months but your girl just got cheated on again :D isn't that lovely? Anyways on a happier note I've been getting back into my writing (I roleplay with friends so that's what made me go for finishing this chapter) so hopefully more chapters can be published soon. Anyways byeee!!!💜💜💜

Edit: I fixed some of my spelling ;-; Autocorret on phones suck ass, as well on top of that having dyslexia -3- tough times let me tell you lol

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