A New Intruder?

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Out far beyond the Earth, there was a realm with nothing but void and lightning striking all over the place. There were only two individuals, a crystal figure, and his apprentice. His apprentice was all alone, building his so-called time machine. The apprentice had no real name, as he was instead referred to with the letters SD. "Are you ready?" SD said to his machine. "So, I see you're still trying to build your machine." The crystal figure said. "Hey, just let me work, okay." SD said. "You know time travel is impossible, and the sad thing is that this isn't the first time I said that to you." The crystal figure said. SD then got very ticked off at him. Before he could attack, the crystal figure froze him. "Nice try, loser." The crystal figure said. SD then just turned his back on him. "Your meal is ready if you'll even come and eat it." The crystal figure said. SD then kicked his machine in anger, as he then walked off to where the crystal figure was. When he left though, he saw a shadow of someone, but only for a faint second. SD and the crystal figure went to the dining table which was made of the very same crystals that are from the figure. They had a very plain and boring meal, with them both staring at each other. "So crystal, how was whatever the hell you did?" SD asked. The crystal figure then just stared at him for a long time. "For someone who claims to be a good and upstanding person, you sure don't act like one." The crystal figure said. SD then scratched his claws on the table, so he could show his anger to him. The crystal figure wasn't very pleased with his actions. "Well, how can I act normal when I'm living in this realm of nothing, and I can only talk to a crystal who looks like he is from a cheap 1950s movie, and that same figure always acts like he is the boss when surprise, your not, and all he does for me is treat me like a piece of trash and gives me sauerkraut to eat." SD said. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say a rant to make you mad, oh what, you don't care, oh that is what I thought, besides a crystal can't give a damn about anything I say." SD said. "Look, you're just ranting about nothing, so just stop." The crystal figure said. SD then flung his dish off the table to show his continued anger for him. The crystal figure stood up and was about to attack him, but then decided not to. "Listen, I would have killed you right now, but why would I?" The crystal figure said. "Tell me a story." SD said. The crystal figure was then confused, but then he decided to tell him a little tale. "Okay, here is a tale that would interest you." The crystal figure said. "Many years ago, a land got invaded by an alien, and everything wasn't normal at all." The crystal figure said. "Do you have a part in this?" SD asked. The crystal figure then made a face of disappointment. "Well, there was this statue, a statue that made people do crazy things, and it was a cause for a lot of evil, and I'm saying this because, well, I was that statue." The crystal figure said. SD then laughed about what he just heard. "Okay, continue, I can't wait to hear the rest of this comedy." The crystal figure then put his hand on his head and prayed for him to be quiet. "It was a statue called the Mani Mani statue, and it got destroyed by two kids." The crystal figure said. SD then laughed a lot at what he just heard. "You died to two kids, no wonder why your so mad all the time." SD said. "Anyway, the statue was destroyed, and no one did anything about it, but then one day, it managed to become itself again with a new element, but he didn't like his form, so he copied the appearance of the Starmen, a race of aliens that invaded this land." The crystal figure said. SD then suddenly became interested. "So then this crystal figure wanted someone else with him, so he took a powerful Starman in a base that was in a snow land, and so he called him SD because that was the Starman he was. "The crystal figure said. "Huh, interesting." SD said. "So, that is the story of us both, you happy now?" The crystal figure said. "Well, can I go to this place?" SD asked. The crystal figure was then confused. "What?" The crystal figure asked. "Well, this happened many years ago, so I think the planet would be, well, long gone." The crystal figure said. "Well, with my machine, I could go there, so just send me to that planet and everything will be fine, because I want to see one of these kids." SD said. The crystal figure then stood up and created a portal. "Fine, you may, and you will be sent to this island, the last place on this Earth." The crystal figure said. SD then stood up and grabbed his machine and was ready to go. "However, to keep me as a memory, I'll be in the form of a necklace, and will be with you for the whole time." The crystal figure said. The crystal figure then became a necklace and SD wrapped it around his neck, and jumped into the portal. A figure with a sword was looking from a cliffside and disappeared into thin air. Meanwhile, on the island there was nothing but peace going on, as the island was ruled by the pigmask army. In a house down by the south, Lucas, Duster, and Flint were playing cards in boredom. "Have any twos?" Lucas asked Flint. "Nope." Flint responded. Lucas then put the cards down. "Man, we have been playing for three hours, and this game has gone on for so long, that even Boney is playing." Lucas said. Uh Lucas, where is Kumatora?" Duster asked. "Well, she told me that she has to do something important for some reason." Lucas said. Then outside, a loud explosion occurred, and the four all began wondering what happened. They then went outside, and they saw a body that looked dead. Lucas then poked it with a stick. The body then woke up. "Finally, I made it, now I can finally go back and gain a full power momentum, by going back in time to see some stupid kid." SD said. SD then stopped for a moment when he saw the four. "So, humans and dog, can you tell me if this works, and if it goes green, then yes, and if it's red, then no." SD said. Lucas then saw green. "Yeah, it works." Lucas said. "Oh boy, see ya suckers." SD said. SD then time travelled to the past. Lucas and the other four were just standing there in confusion after what they just witnessed. "Uh, what?" Duster said.

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