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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"I'm so glad that they still do the OBX Summer Movie Series. Keep calm, carry on. Back to the OBX life." Kie read the projector as they walked down the open field to find a spot. "Aren't you glad I made you come?" Kie asked, looking at her friends.

"Ecstatic." Pope said sarcastically, as the boys trudged along with their lawn chairs.

"Oh come on guys, it'll be fun." Sage said, setting down her chair. She plopped down it her seat, and looked up at the blue sky.

"My couch was pretty comfy though, I'll be honest." JJ said, setting up his chair next to Sage's.

"We're out of the green zone, man." Pope whispered to JJ and Sage so that Kie couldn't hear. JJ looked over at Kie, who didn't seem to hear anything, and leaned down to Pope's level.

"Dude, tranquilo okay?" JJ said, hushing him. JJ pushed Pope back into his chair, and sat down taking a deep breath.

"We're in the middle of Kooklandia, this is the last place I wanted to be." Pope said, continuing to panic like he did best.

"Shut up, Pope." JJ demanded, starting to get irritated that Kiara might hear.

"I don't think they're going to attack around all of these people." Sage pointed out, reaching out to touch Pope's arm comfortingly.

"What do you guys want to drink?" Kie asked, brushing off her shorts as she stood up.

"Vodka." JJ said, pulling his hat down over his eyes, and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Coke." Pope said, still too invested in his surroundings for it to not be noticeable that something was wrong.

"Pepsi, please." Sage said, and Kie nodded her head.

"Okay so four Pepsi's?" Kie asked, strutting off before anyone could oppose.

Sage watched Kie make it to the concession stand, and Rafe approached her. She watched the two talk for a few moments, and jealousy grew inside her.

"What are you looking at?" JJ asked, following Sage's eyes to Rafe, and Kie talking to one another. Kie looked annoyed at the conversation, but Rafe seemed quite amused.

"Fuck, Pope look." JJ said, tapping on Pope, and pointing over to Rafe.

"What is he talking to her about?" Pope asked, sitting up in his chair watching the two.

"I don't know." Sage said, not breaking her stare on them. She could only hope that he didn't say anything about their night last night.

Sage felt her hands sweat, and her breath hitched in her throat as the conversation continued. She could only imagine what her friends would say.

How mad they would be.

"Just saw Rafe and he said, and I quote, 'tell your boy that we know what he did, and tell Sage I had fun last night.'" Kie said, and Sage's heart fell to her stomach.

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