Chapter 13

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

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Monday evening was coming closer and closer, no matter how much I would like to postpone it. My lessons that day were dull. No matter if it was taught  at a supernatural school or at a plain old high school, I would never like Shakespeare. Nor would I ever get interested in becoming a professional volleyball player (I had always hated gym).

Mr. Hammerhead was sick, so I didn’t even have History to look forward to; and there was no Vampire Basics or anything exciting on my schedule today, so I would just have to sit my classes out.

When it was 6.50 pm, Simon got up and smiled ruefully at me. We had been sitting in the cafeteria, working on our homework while eating the last bits of our dinner. We had finally finished our English essays, which was a miracle. We both hated to write 2000 words about Macbeth; but we did it anyway.

“Shall I show you room 101 for your detention?” Simon proposed, holding out his hand.

I allowed him to pull me up, stuffed my books in my bag and followed him into the hall. I was really anxious about going to my first detention at this school: I knew from experience that teachers treated you differently – in a very bad way – when they’d heard you’d received detention. They didn’t care if it was because you’d cursed, smoked a cigarette in the bathroom, or stabbed someone with a knife; it was all the same. All that mattered was the result: detention.

A tall woman with red rimmed glasses, wearing a long, beaded, silk chiffon dress) was standing in the doorway of room 101. The dress was a grayish purple with blue accents at the top and bottom. It made her look even taller than she already was, and added to her natural air of elegance and sophistication. Her long brown hair was smooth and shiny, falling in front of her pale white face and honey colored eyes.

“You must be Demona Hollow,” the woman murmured in an exceptionally low, husky voice. “I am Miss Canda.”

“Nice to meet you,” I answered with a sour smile. She seemed nice enough, but that didn’t change the fact I was in detention.

“Simon!” Miss Canda squeaked in surprise. “You didn’t receive detention, did you?”

“No, I was just showing Demona the way,” he replied with a smile.

“Good: you don’t seem the type for detention if you ask me.”

I rolled my eyes when she couldn’t see, and mouthed at Simon: ‘And I do?’

He grinned, shaking his head at me.

“So, the two of you have become friends?” Miss Canda asked conversationally, after greeting two more girls who had received detention.

“They’re just right for each other,” a boy taunted, pushing past me to get to the classroom. “A pair of freaks: they deserve each other.”

“Now, now,” Miss Canda warned with a vague smile. “Watch your mouth, Harley.”

I didn’t really pay attention to the words of the idiotic guy, but I noticed the glow that always seemed to come out of Simon had become a dark kind of grey, instead of the bright purple I’d seen around him the last couple of days. He’d pulled the hood of his sweater up and his hair had fallen in front of his eyes. He looked miserable – the way he’d looked when I’d first met him (which was only a week ago, I realized with a shock). But, Simon had had to endure this kind of treatment for almost half a year now, without a single ally. That must have been hard on him, I imagined. Kids could be so cruel.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now