Chapter 34

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Note: this story has been published through Self Publishing. Keep in mind that the Wattpad version is only the first draft! For the polished version without the many mistakes, buy a copy!

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“I am not sneaking out!” I told Eros, my arms crossed and my feet firmly planted on the floor.

He wasn’t listening to me and had already opened the living room window. “Oh, it’s even closer to the ground than I imagined,” he murmured happily. “This is going to be easy.”

I grunted. “I want no part of this,” I warned him.

“Sure, sure.” He waved off my comment. “If you’re not interested in seeing a werewolf from a perfectly safe distance, that’s your loss.”

I hated how much I wanted to know what he was talking about. After everything I’d heard about weres changing the past couple of days, of course I’d love to actually see it. But Mr. Hammerhead had scared me good – I wanted no part of a suicide mission.

“Go ahead, ask,” Eros teased me. “I know you want to know what my plan is.”

“Fine – tell me.” I was burning with curiosity and I hated how much it showed.

“I know a very high tree near the reserve,” he informed me. “If you just shimmy up it and hide in the leaves, you can see part of the compound. If we’re lucky, we’ll get to see a wolf or two, hunting down their prey.” His eyes were practically shooting sparks, that’s how excited he was. Some of that excitement kindled in me too, and he was shamelessly prying on that.

“You’re really not trying to get in there?” I checked.

“I’m not even planning to go near enough for any teachers to see me,” he assured me with a little smile. “No worries, little vampire, we’ll be perfectly safe.”

“Why do you want me to come with you?” I mused. “What’s your gain?”

“You’re you,” he stated simply, like that explained everything. “So, are you coming or what?”

He took a leap and before I could process what he was doing, he’d jumped out of the window. I screamed and hurried over there so I could see what was happening. He was standing on the grass below the window and he looked up with a wicked smile. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, and I could clearly see that he wasn’t hurt or anything. But still – we were on the third floor!

“Just let out those cute little fangs of yours and jump!” Eros yelled up at me.

“Shh...” I hushed, afraid someone would hear him. Surely I couldn’t really jump that far?

“I’ll catch you,” he promised, extending his arms toward me. That surprisingly made me feel a little safer, but he was still way too far down for me to feel capable of doing this.

“Here goes nothing...” I breathed, hunching down on the window sill. Please, please, Demona, don’t break anything major, I prayed in silence. I allowed my fangs to press against my tense lips, braced myself and... jumped.

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now