The night before leaving to war

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Peggy sits patiently in her dress, this isn't the first time John was late, plus...the wedding wasn't important, if they knew she let's him sneak up in here

She sits quietly and concentrates on her heart rate and tight corset. Gosh, she hated it, and in a few minutes she'll untie it, or...she can have John untie it? I mean they've been really close...she's even let him feel under her skirts, he was a blushing mess after that.

It was one way to feel pleasure.
Oh no, her heart felt like exploding, and this corset dress wasn't helping shit!

"C'mon John...where are you?" She muttered, her eyes still closed, until she felt hands on her top, her strings slowly getting untied, she smiles "I heard you..." he whispers

Ah, finally, air, She felt her top fall off "oh John...where were you?" She says as she gulped down some huge breaths of air, she covers her breasts as he moved in front of her

John cracked a smile "Got trapped with Lee" Peggy frowns
"At least you're here now, come...hold me" She whispers crawling to him, her cleavage showing a bit, John swallowed hard "Peggy..." she looks at him confused

"Nothing. Come, come closer" he pulls her in his lap

" smell like roses...did you use the oils?" she whispers hiding her face in his neck. He hums "Yes" Peggy straddles him and pushed him down "...John...I can't take it...I can't take this...I need you" she says softly.

John was baffled by her sudden change of behavior, his eyes hungrily taking in the sight in front him, her corset was lowered and he felt aroused with her expression

Dear Martha,

I hope this letter finds you in good health

He pulls her down for a kiss, their mouths fit like a puzzle piece.

You've been so kind to me and I only gave you pain

Peggy gasps as she pulls away "John..." she whispers as she feels his manhood, she smiles softly

The man's soul was on fire, he wanted this, he wanted her, he wanted her now and fast. "Peggy..." he whispers

I'm sure at this time you want to let go, We've never been in love

He flips their position, he was on top her, he pulls off her dress and marveled her figure "perfect..." Peggy whines "John!" She couldn't stand it, her hands went to his shirt.

I am pleased to say that, now we have our dear Francis...we haven't crossed parts or slept in the same bed

Peggy unbuttoned his shirt, her hands shivering as she was able to finish it.

You are my close friend, I hope you know that. Time that we've been away from each other...I've found my one true love.

He sighs and takes off his pants, throwing it aside, he leans in to kiss her.

I know you, you wouldn't accept it but...I love her so much...

Peggy gasped as he enters her womanhood "Oh...John..." she whimpers and scratched his back.

You've been with me so long and for the sake of our child you'll hate for us to part.

John groans and sighs "Peggy...relax..." he chuckles at her flushed face "no...continue don't make me stop you..." she whispers covering her face

But this is what I must do, I'm sorry to father won't be able to convince me otherwise...

John laughs lightly "It hurts you" Peggy peeks through her fingers "John...I didn't expect so much pain...Angelica makes it sound so..." He smiles "Enjoyable?" He asks and she nods  "love...this is your first time- ah...stop clenching...rekax"

I hope you find peace and your future without me

Peggy nods and closes her eyes "please...give me..." she needn't finish,  he starts moving, her moans high, she covers her mouth

Please, Go by the Church, the divorce papers are ready.

Peggy cries out "Oh God! John!" She wrapped her legs around his waist "Don't stop please!"

Find true happiness Martha,

Yours truly,

John Laurens

Both of them exceeded the limit at the same time, both tired. John slowly rests his head on her breasts "Peggy..." he was about to say, but, she had already fallen asleep.

"Cute, good night my beautiful wife to be" he dresses and leaves the room.

(This chapter is by King_George_Federick

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