Undying Love

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A few months into courtship and Alexander was smitten, so smitten that he forgot the camp's password, luckily he had written it down, the unlucky part was that he was the laughing stock of the whole camp for months, even the general had a good chuckle.

Today a letter arrived from Elizabeth Schuyler to General Washington? how peculiar...Since Alexander was his right-hand man he was sure to open it, right? No...this one was...personal?

Alexander tilted his head "personal? What would my darling want with the general?"  He sighs and shakes his head.

"I'll hold on to it." He puts it into his coat, and leaves the tent

Elizabeth sighs for the fifth time today, she taps her dresser nervously awaiting for something, her sisters were there sitting on her bed, Angelica was frowning at Peggy who was showing off a sketch pad with intricate art.

"Eliza you're awfully quiet" Peggy points out

Eliza turns around "I sent a letter to the general..." she says making Angelica look up "whatever for? Don't you...no..." Angelica gasps

Peggy looks confused "what's happening? Is Sissy pregnant?" She rolls her eyes as they ignored her.

"Eliza he comes by every two weeks! What more can you want?" Angelica says, she was upset

"Two weeks is too far long...I want to stay close to him...and maybe helping in the hospitals..."
Eliza trails off

Peggy waves her hand "whoa whoa whoa. You didn't?!" She exclaimed in shock "you volunteered to help in a war?! Are you crazy?!"

Eliza stands up "this is my choice! Plus mother and father agreed!" She says fisting her skirts "I can't stay away...and if Alexander get's injured...I can-"

Peggy and Angelica cuts her off
"He's the general's right hand man! There's no way he could get injured" they said in union and glanced at each other in shock.

Eliza sighs "I'd like to be alone. Please." She says and glanced at the door

They sighed and left her to her thoughts, The Schuyler  frowns and covers her face, she's never had an argument with Angelica before, much less Peggy, so it was scary, she never felt these feelings before, she never felt anger at her sisters and her mind crossed Angelica, how dare she judge her for wanting to be close to Alexander! Didn't she and Thomas Jefferson live together for months? Eliza was livid, she grabbed a quill and paper and began writing.

Dearest Alexander,

I have missed you dearly, my thoughts has been clouded with your voice, every choice I make...I can feel you cheering me on and sometimes I wonder...have I gone crazy?

I've missed your face
-your Betsy.

She folds it and sends it with her slave, "please, give this to Bernie" she says gently. It only takes one hour for the letter to arrive and she couldn't wait.

Meanwhile back at the camp, Alexander had parted two fights between drunken soldiers and he was punched in the face because of one. How unfortunate, luckily, Lafayette hadn't left for his new station yet.

"Mon Ami you've got to stop getting in fights mademoiselle Eliza wouldn't take it kindly that her future husband has gotten quite the ugly face" Lafayette laughs as Alexander glares at him  "All in the spoils of war, she'd be pleased I haven't lost an arm, or a foot"

Lafayette nods "or your manhood." He adds making Alexander stand up "Gilbert" he warns

He turns to see a solider running to him "Sir! Bernie is here with a letter from Ms.Schuyler!" Alexander's eyes widened and he took off running to the front gates.

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