Chapter 1

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/3rd person/

The very next morning...

The doctor walked out of his car and to the entrance of this "hospital". He was told to go to level 6. 'That's weird' he wondered. They use to keep the very dangerous people their. But it had been abandoned for years...until now.

He pressed the elevator button. And waited or the elevator to open. Once the elevator opened he went to find the button 6. It wasn't there. His vision turned red and he saw a mysterious figure curiously watching him from around the corner of the elevator hallways. His vision turned back to normal, all of a sudden out of thin air, there was a 6th button. But it was out of place. Like it wasn't really suppose to be their in the first place. It didn't belong anywhere.

The elevator then closed. He waited until the elevator opened back up to reveal the 6th floor. The 6th floor only had 7 rooms and the room his patient was in happened to be the most heavily secured rooms. It had chains at the door and wood. But the weird thing is, the door was open.

He entered silently and saw no one. However the light in the room had gone out except for a lamp but that's when he saw him perfectly. Standing in the corner with eyes as dark as night. This kid stood before him. He didn't speak, he didn't have to. His face told it all, actions speak louder than words. The doctor could understand that. Word will find a way to get twisted in the end, It's like a game of telephone.

The owner of this "hospital" told the doctor what to ask his new patient first.

/Flashback: Yesterday/

"Ask him about the dreams. No one ever has ever gotten to that part yet." He told the doctor grimly

"Is that so? I guess I will play by your rules first. But soon after, you'll play by mine." He muttered so quietly but the warden heard. A gulp was made and the doctor took it as his turn to leave.

/End Flashback/

The doctor trailed back to the door and turned around. "Look kid I'm here to break you and build you back up....Or transform you." He whispered the last part to himself as he locked the door. He walked back to the middle of the floor and sat down. The kid in the corner just titled his head.

"Now now, let's not keep them waiting." The doctor said patting the spot right in front of him. The kid just walked over and sat down then took a deep breath.

"Tell me a bedtime story, will ya?" The doctor sadistically chuckled. The eerie lamp in the corner, turned off.

/Kid's Perspective/

I walked down the innocent halls. Lights flickering on and off As I walked by. The walls crumbling at the will of my finger tip. It was like I was suppose to remember something...

"Aleksander is it?" my doctor questioned. He changed to a resting position.

The crevices of the hallways only had gotten darker. All I heard was the ticking of a clock. I did not understand how I got here or what I was doing. The clock struck 9. Ding. Ding. Ding. It went off 6 more times but it time it was deeper, until nothing. This uncomfortable blanket of silence they called it.

"Riddle me this: I can fly without wings." he spoke mockingly.

A voice kept echoing the same line over and over again. It was a constant ringing in my head. An aching feeling that did not go away. God I would've done anything to make it go away.

"Riddle me that: I am harmless but I can kill you." He rolled off his tongue.

I finally spotted a door to my right and I opened it. I saw multiple people in high places. Walking on ropes? Thin strings hung up around the ceilings. I saw an audience at the edge of their seats however, they aren't looking at those people. They were looking at me.

"Answer me: I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a life time. What am I?" Now he was quite curious, expecting an answer from me.

"This game of riddles needs to Stop. Please." I murmured opening my eyes. My eyes had bored straight into the doctors lifeless ones. I then closed my eyes again and recounted the story.

I just needed to get to the last door At the very end. As I turned around away from those judgmental eyes I stumbled upon another door. I opened it and it bolts and locks shut behind me. A voice echoed in my mind before darkness surrounded my vision.

You aren't leaving just yet

I heard murmurs from dull creatures. It was pitch black when I opened my eyes. Is that what my life was like? Clouded by pessimistic beliefs. I couldn't even see a thing.

Tick-Tock, I need to show you something

Touching my surroundings , Everything just seemed so perilous, So cold. I knew I was walking into something, I was going in blind. How am I suppose to see what they want me to see?

Just a little further

I open my eyes to finish the rest of the story.
It all ends the same way: I walked until I took another step. It was funny because there was nothing below my feet. I felt like I was falling. Maybe it's good that I couldn't see it. Endless depth, waiting for my inevitable death. Maybe I was just too weak to see.

/3rd Person/

The doctor smiled but it soon faltered. He saw a figure at the door. The same figure he saw at the elevator when his vision turned red. However, he turned around back to the kid. The kid was just smiling and waving at it. 'This isn't just a simple case.' He thought.

He was knocked out of his thought when the door opened and a shadow rushed towards him. Clouding his vision and he took his last breath before falling unconscious

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