The Dog takes action

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The Queen, The Dog, The Demon and The Clown - The Dog takes action

Like Sebastian had said, Allen was up and about in the mansion by the next morning, helping out Mey-rin with the dishes, early morning, to be exact. It was 5 o'clock, the sun beginning to rise and ready to wake up the whole world.

Allen assumed that his friends would be downstairs or wandering about the mansion by then since back in the Black Order  they'd usually be awake in around five in the morning or even three. But it seems like the soft beds of the guest rooms were keeping his friends from even getting off the bed. Allen can understand, of course.

Even Allen himself had trouble of urging himself to get up from the soft, captivating and very comfortable bed. Can't blame them, the mattresses back at the Order were rock stiff that they would usually gain cramps because of the hard surface. Another reason in why Allen would usually avoid Kanda at those hours. He's even grumpier and easily pissed in the morning. 

One time, Lavi was stupid enough to try and glomp the brooding samurai and had earned cuts all over and a broken nose. Allen almost pitied his friend. Almost.

"Mister Walker?" The unmistakable voice of Sebastian spoke as the door creaked open, revealing a rather surprised looking Sebastian. Allen hummed and glanced back at Sebastian inquiringly. Wide silver eyes blinked before a single white slender eyebrow rose. "Yes, Mister Sebastian?"

"You don't need to do all the work, Mister Walker. You have only just recovered," Sebastian replied, taking the remaining dishes before plopping them into the sink. He took off his gloves before proceeding to wash the plates and cups.

Allen blinked and sighed as he trudged out of the kitchen.

Sitting down by the ledge of the French window, Allen stared out of the window and once again, sighed.

"Both of you, stop arguing!" The enraged voice of a certain female excorcist broke the silence. 'Lavi must've pissed Kanda off,' the whitette thought, staring at the broad marble staircase with wide silver eyes and a sly smirk.

Speaking of the teal haired exorcist, Lenalee walked down the stairs, yawning, her hair still in her short tresses of teal hair that were dishelved from her deep slumber. "Oh! Good morning, Allen!" She cooed, rubbing sleep from her eyes violet eyes.

Allen smiled at her friend.

"Good morning, Lenalee. What happened upstairs?" Allen asked. Before Lenalee could open her mouth and let the words escape from her throat—


the sound of a door slammed shut resonated from the second floor.

"Kanda?" Allen whispered after a few seconds passed, still in awe of the loud noise. "Yeah. Lavi called him Yuu again. Idiot..." The female excorcist replied, sitting herself next to the cursed teen.

Lavi wandered down the stairs,almost falling over a step. "Good morning, Lenalee, Allen-chan," he mumbled sleepily, clutching the railing of the stairs tightly.

'He had the 'chan' honorfic for me but not Lenalee?' Allen thought, disgruntled.

"Good morning, Lavi!" Lenalee chirped brightly. Allen didn't greet the older not because of anything severe, mind you, he was just busy pouting at the red head. 

A smirk suddenly played on Allen's lips as a sudden thought crossed his little mind.

"So, 'forgotten' to not piss Kanda in the morning. Again." Allen snarked, nudging the red haired excorcist teasingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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