The Clown founded by the Demon

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The Queen, The Dog, The Demon and The Clown - The Clown founded by the Demon

To say tea time was awkward is an understandment. Only the clinks of utensils and plates colliding were the only sound from the otherwise silent room. Dark cold eyes stayed guarded, glancing at the red eyed man and the eye patch-wearing-child every now and then. Muscles hunched as if ready to take action when a single unnecessary move were taken from either.

Usual bright and happy green eyes now were narrowed and calculating as they studied the child across of him, searching for any kind of flaw. The child seems all perfect on the outside, pure, an innocent child who's parents were no where to be seen. But everyone has flaws. Everyone has dark secrets better off without. Everyone has a dark side.

If the eyes can't find any, the child must be good in wearing a facãde, then. The owner of the green eyes mused.

Silver and violet eyes met, and silver shut as if signaling an affirmative.

Allen and Lenalee turned to the child and the man, smiling vaguely. "Thank you for the treat, but I think we should be off now."

"Oh?" Red eyes slightly widened in mock surprise, and glanced at the window that shows heavy rain falling full force. "I don't think you'd reach anywhere in this storm."

"But Sir!" Lavi protested, slamming the table and almost spilling over the beverages. "I'm sorry, Mister Sebastian, but we have to leave!"Lenalee cried, standing up along with her red headed friend. "Sit, and stay,"Ciel commanded, his voice cold, only visible eye flashing with arrogance and knowledge that no child would gain.

Lenalee felt herself sit down along with a wide eyed Lavi. How could she obey a child? Then again, Sebastian was right. The whole of London was pelted with seemingly endless rain. And it won't stop until they wait long while.

Allen squinted his silver eyes at Sebastian. "Black hair, red eyes, dark dressing...I feel suspicious about this Sebastian. He could be an Akuma," the whitette muttered under his breath, his left eye twitching slightly once again when observing the red eyed man.

"Che...Baka Moyashi. What makes you think that?" Kanda suddenly spat aloud. 'Shoot! Kanda had overheard me... Now the others are probably curious to what I said! Damn you, BaKanda!' The young teen cursed Kanda every way possible in his mind.

"Hm, what was it, Mister Walker? I couldn't quite catch it myself, I'm sure many of us are curious..." Sebastian asked, smiling at the whitette. His vibrant red eyes however, bore into the teen's very soul.

Allen pursed his lips. "None of your business..." he muttered, silver eyes slightly glaring at red.

But red eyes were unfazed as Sebastian leaned in. "Did I miss something, Mister Walker?" He asked, cupping his ear, feigning the fact he couldn't hear." Maybe I should get closer," Sebastian suggested, leaning forward to the whitette, his smile never leaving his pale face.

"I thought you were an Akuma..." Allen hissed quietly as the throb in his left eye eccelarated. Sebastian's eyes widened but he burst into laughter. "Do forgive me, Young Master and guests, but Mister Walker told me a very comical joke!" Sebastian chuckled.

Allen could tell that what he said was out of sarcasm. His red eyes pierced into Allen's. And they were sly and playful. 'Sebastian's a tricky one!' The alarmed teen thought, wincing slightly.

After the awkward and uncomfortable tea time, the rain is still shooting down rapidly, thunder and lightning coming around now and then. Seeing that, Ciel offered them to stay in the mansion for the night, with his butler by his side smiling that smile that never reached his eyes.

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